October 2018 Volume 42, Issue 10

It’s Time for the Left To Unite Behind Bernie 2020
He’s popular, principled and there are no better options.
Briahna Gray
Don’t Endorse Bernie Yet—Make Candidates Compete for the Left Vote
Keep the left lane open.
Sean McElwee
The Inside-Outside Approach to Bernie 2020
Endorse, but play the long game.
Peter Frase
Turning a KKK Bombing Ground Into an Urban Farm
A black-led cooperative movement grows pumpkins and community in Birmingham.
Stephanie Russell-Kraft
Socialism and Feminism: We Can’t Have One Without the Other
Fighting capitalism and patriarchy at the same time.
In These Times Editors
Steve Bannon’s European Dream
Europe used to serve as a utopian vision for the Left and a punching bag for the Right. Now it’s reversing.
Eleanor Penny
InvestigationGoodman Institute
Below the Surface of ICE: The Corporations Profiting From Immigrant Detention
Activists are targeting the companies that make ICE run.
David Dayen
Detroiters Fear Losing Their Water May Mean Losing Their Kids
As thousands of Detroiters have their water shut off over debt, neighbors are helping each other to access water without alerting Child and Family Services.
Valerie Vande Panne
We Are Witnessing the Last Gasps of Centrism
While the Democratic establishment is blindly attempting to revive the neoliberal Third Way, the party's base is embracing socialism.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Will Mexico’s New President Declare Independence From the United States?
At public forums, Mexicans are pushing Andrés Manuel López Obrador to break with the U.S. on migration and drug policy.
Kent Paterson
Portrait of the Environmentalist as a Young Arsonist
Abby Geni's new novel, The Wildlands, explores means and ends in the fight for animal and Earth liberation.
Dayton Martindale

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