
Police Budgets Are Ballooning as Social Programs Crumble
Cities across the country have defied demands from protesters to defund police despite facing huge budget deficits from Covid-19.
Indigo Olivier
Beware the Anti-Defamation League’s Efforts to Partner with Progressive Orgs
The Anti-Defamation League has a long history of smearing Black activists, working with police, and evoking “hate speech” to demonize the peaceful BDS movement.
Sarah Lazare and Adam Johnson
The Forgotten History of the Jewish, Anti-Zionist Left
A conversation with scholar Benjamin Balthaser about Jewish, working-class anti-Zionism in the 1930s and '40s.
Sarah Lazare
Barr’s New Task Force Is a Blatant Attempt to Target Racial Justice Protesters
By embracing preventive policing, the task force aims to eliminate the threat of dissent.
Chip Gibbons
What’s Missing From the Biden-Bernie Task Force Plan? Medicare for All.
The recommendations are an improvement on Biden's previous healthcare plans, but a public option won't cut it. We need free, universal coverage.
Natalie Shure
The People Who Will Draft the Democratic Platform Have a Conflict of Interest Problem
Next up after the Biden-Sanders task forces? The Democratic platform drafting committee—and progressives have their work cut out for them.
Branko Marcetic
The Problem With Israel’s Annexation Is Its Brutality, Not Its Optics
We need strong condemnation of Israel's annexation plans, not handwringing over bad P.R.
Sandra Tamari
The Church of Latter-Day Socialists
These Mormons are taking the church back to its socialist roots.
Nicholas Greyson Ward
First You Bomb and Starve a Country. Then You’re Praised for Sending in Aid.
The perverse diplomatic charade of Saudi Arabia starting a fire then getting credit for providing fire blankets.
Sarah Lazare
The Left’s Resurgence Is For Real
Jamaal Bowman and other progressive and democratic socialist challengers had a very good night, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cruised to victory—proving that the left wing is a force to be reckoned with.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
It’s Not Just Covid That Has Hondurans Starving. It’s Also U.S. Policy.
On the roots of the Honduran hunger crisis.
Meghan Krausch
New York’s Samelys López Has a Radical Proposal: Poverty Shouldn’t Be a Death Sentence
López, a left-wing challenger running for Congress, discusses disaster capitalism, defunding police and how she's taking on the Democratic establishment.
Malaika Jabali
Market Logic Is Literally Killing Us
Historically, during national emergencies like World War II, the U.S. government subordinated business interests to the public good. Why can't it do so in the Covid-19 crisis?
Rick Perlstein
Want to Defeat Trump Without Campaigning for Biden? Here’s How.
Socialists and other Bernie Sanders supporters can play a critical role in defeating right-wing populism while building a left-wing alternative for the long term—by going down-ballot.
David Duhalde
Our Biden Problem
Movements face a challenge: how to oust Trump while still combatting Biden's neoliberalism.
Barbara Ransby
The Food Industry’s Next Covid-19 Victims: Migrant Farmworkers
Outbreaks have begun at farms around the country, thanks in large part to crowded employer-provided housing.
Michelle Fawcett and Arun Gupta
Another Political Revolution in New York? Insurgent Jamaal Bowman Now Has Bernie and AOC on His Side
Bowman, a progressive insurgent, is gaining steam in his primary challenge to Democratic incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel. And now he has both Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders behind him.
Nick Vachon
Tear Gas and Pepper Spray Can Be Deadly, But the U.S. Won’t Regulate Police Use
Despite widespread use, chemical agents sold for police purposes aren't monitored by any federal agency.
Terry J. Allen
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