
Did the Shutdown Hurt the Tea Party’s 2014 Prospects?
Progressive strategist Steve Cobble isn't so sure.
Amy Dean
Republicans Suddenly Love Obamacare
In a change of heart, Republicans are now outraged over the slow progress of the Affordable Care Act.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
How Cuba’s Bitter Sons Shut Down the U.S. Government
In Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, the Tea Party found the perfect pawns.
Achy Obejas
15 Under-the-Radar Progressive Wins of Election 2013
Moyers & Company
A Booster Shot for Social Security
The GOP--and some Democrats--want to cut the program. Progressive Dems want to expand it.
Sarah Jaffe
Flipping the House in 2014
Next year's congressional elections call for a more unified, progressive and revitalized Democratic Party.
Carl Davidson
Picturing an End to New York City’s Homelessness Crisis
More than 50,000 New Yorkers are homeless. Here's what the new mayor could do to help.
Molly Knefel
President Obama: Incompetent or Liar?
Without Snowden leaks, the president wouldn’t even know that the NSA spies on world leaders.
Steven Hill
The Real Problem with Obamacare
Where the defeat of single-payer healthcare has gotten us.
David Sirota
What Our Country Has Done for Us
The high hopes of JFK's day have mostly been dashed.
Susan J. Douglas
Immigrant Detainees Have No ‘Plan B’
Women in ICE custody have no assurance of receiving emergency contraception—even if they're raped.
Joyce Lee
At Long Last, Congress Hears From a Drone Strike Victim
A Pakistani family devastated by drones gave a landmark briefing on Tuesday.
Cole Stangler
A Different Kind of Shutdown
What if progressives took a page from the Tea Party?
Bhaskar Sunkara
Social Democracy in the South
Bernie Sanders talks about economic justice—and the possibility of a presidential run—on a three-day road trip.
Cole Stangler
Shooting America in the Foot
Republicans wounded the country--and their party--with their failed gambit to defund the Affordable Care Act.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
The New Populists
Can Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown revive bank reform?
Sarah Jaffe
Return to Nixonland
How the NSA slipped its leash under Bush and Obama.
Lisa Graves
The War That Wasn’t
Snowden and Manning taught Americans skepticism, and not a moment too soon.
Leonard C. Goodman
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