
Two 2016 Prospects Reveal Democrats’ Identity Crisis
Elizabeth Warren and John Hickenlooper embody a party torn between populism and corporatism.
David Sirota
NRA: No Research Allowed
Two reasons the NRA is like Big Tobacco.
Susan J. Douglas
Immigration Reform Would Boost Business, Undermine Rights
As D.C. politicians quibble over immigration reform, their plans all make the same big mistakes.
Michelle Chen
The Orwellian Pols Who Call Drones ‘Humane Weapons’
Our politicians have forgotten that the truly humane path is finding alternatives to war.
David Sirota
Yes, He Did: Obama Plugged Trans-Pacific Partnership While Touting ‘Middle Class’ Growth
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is an imminent threat to American workers--and it has the Obama administration's full support.
Roger Bybee
Didn’t Watch the Super Bowl? You Still Got Charged
4 ways everyone in America pays a Sports Tax, including $1 billion a year to the NFL.
David Sirota
Ignore the Conservative Sideshow
The only deficit we should be worrying about is the gap between rich and poor.
David Moberg
Extreme Makeover: GOP Edition
Fearful of being outflanked by far-right extremists, the GOP is pushing for moderation in its ranks.
Achy Obejas
The President of Perpetual War
Obama's dovish rhetoric doesn't match reality.
David Sirota
Obama’s Progressive Agenda: Missing a Main Ingredient
Stonewall, Selma and Seneca Falls got inaugural shout-outs--but one movement went unsung.
James Thindwa
Watch Out, Grandma!
The latest scheme to 'fix the debt' by breaking Social Security.
Joel Bleifuss
Staying in the Loophole
ITT visits a gun show.
Louis Nayman
The Second Amendment vs. the First
Alex Jones' now infamous meltdown on CNN teaches us two important lessons about gun control.
David Sirota
Programmed for Primetime
For policy wonks, politics no longer computes.
Bhaskar Sunkara
Guns? Don’t Wait for Congress—or Godot
With gun enthusiasts stockpiling weapons in light of impending federal regulations, what is a concerned citizen to do?
Marilyn Katz
Pennsylvania Republicans Introduce Bill to Steal 2016 Election
Anthony Mangini
Right-Wingers, Failed Leaders and Media Stars Jockey for Israeli Votes
A clash of parties is likely to yield a new coalition government, but not a new direction.
Ralph Seliger
A Peoples’ Inauguration
The Progressive Democrats of America plan to bridge the gap between Capitol Hill and the progressive grassroots.
Cole Stangler
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