
Jobs, Justice and the Planet
During Obama's second term, the Left cannot passively await changes from the Democratic Party.
Bill Fletcher, Jr.
Educate All Kids Like Sasha and Malia
Obama's education policies are failing children, except for his own.
Leonie Haimson
Spotlight on Dark Money
Now is the moment when the grassroots can overturn Citizens United.
Lisa Graves
Phew. Now What?
What does Obama's re-election mean for progressives?
In These Times Editors
Hangovers, Electoral and Otherwise
So what are we to make of this election?
Susan J. Douglas
Weak Teavangelicals
Despite great efforts, Billy Graham and his flock failed to pull out a Romney win. Is the 'values voter' era over?
Chris Lehmann
Wake Up, Boehner. Morning Bells Are Ringing: The Dems Won
John Boehner's and Mitch McConnell's party lost Tuesday, but they are still committed to defying the people.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Born Losers
Political scientist Corey Robin believes a sense of loss animates modern conservatism.
Micah Uetricht
The Latino Voter Effect
The Latino vote flexed its muscle on Tuesday, and immigration reform has suddenly moved off the back burner.
Teresa Puente
Noam Chomsky on Gaza, the World’s Largest Open-Air Prison
A look at life under occupation.
Noam Chomsky
The GOP’s Year of Magical Thinking
Now that the election charade is over, will the party accept reality?
Theo Anderson
Robin Hood Goes To Capitol Hill
Will Congress get serious about taxing financial transactions?
Sarah Cobarrubias
Voting for Obama with No Illusions
Four reasons to keep Obama in the White House and Romney out.
Achy Obejas
How Obama Redefined America
Barack Obama has changed America in word, if not in deed.
John K. Wilson
The Threat of a Stolen Election
With the use of paperless voting machines in 31 states, recounts become impossible.
George Kenney
A Republican’s Rare Chance to Be a Real Leader
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie could revolutionize his party by acknowledging a simple scientific truth.
David Sirota
Political Parties Are Basically Bank Accounts
The flood of Wall Street money to campaigns is a threat to democracy, says one political science professor.
Sebastian Meyer
A Third-Party Breakthrough
The Working Families Party tips a race in upstate New York.
Theo Anderson
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