The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

With State Senate’s Approval, Right to Work Looks All But Certain in Wisconsin
David Moberg
How New York Activists Banned Fracking
Anti-fracking forces not only pushed a right-leaning Democratic governor to pass the ban, but proved the conventional wisdom—that a ban would be impossible—wrong.
Eric Weltman
Wisconsin Union-busting Gov. Scott Walker Says Fighting Union Members Is Like Fighting ISIS
Kevin Solari
Holyoke Teachers Union President: ‘We Will Not Let Them Take Over Our Schools’
Mekdes Maryam Amare
8 Lessons American Progressives Can Take From Greece’s Syriza and Spain’s Podemos
We could learn a few things from the way Syriza is standing up to the powers-that-be in European capitalism.
Dan Cantor and Ted Fertik
When It Comes to Pensions, Private Equity Funds Are Using Some Fuzzy Math
If we don't strengthen oversight over investments like private equity now, we could have a disaster on our hands in the not-so-distant future.
David Sirota
In the West Bank, the Kids Aren’t All Right
Palestinian children are taken from their beds in night raids and not returned to their families for months.
Beth Maschinot
At 100 Colleges Around the Country, Adjuncts Take Action to Demand an End to Precarity and Low Pay
Andrew Mortazavi
After Anti-Union Violence Exposed, Bangladesh Garment Workers Win Victory Against Apparel Companies
Jonathan Brozdowski
Why Rahm Emanuel Could Really Lose His Runoff Election in Chicago
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Good News for New York’s Tipped Workers: Your Minimum Wage is Going Up
Kevin Solari
With Corporate Profits Soaring, AFL-CIO Unions Say “It’s Our Turn”
David Moberg
The FCC Just Adopted Strong Net Neutrality Rules—Thanks to Activists
The victory wouldn't have been possible without agitation from the grassroots.
Jay Cassano
UNITE HERE Considers Itself Progressive. So Why Is the Union Standing with Rahm Emanuel?
Fred Klonsky
With Chicago Tired of “Mayor 1%,” Chuy García Could Actually Win His Runoff with Rahm Emanuel
While money poured into the recent mayoral and aldermanic elections, voters showed that they are tired of business as usual.
Kari Lydersen
Progressives Had a Pretty Great Night in Chicago’s Elections
Yana Kunichoff
In Mayoral Runoff, Rahm Emanuel’s Corrupt Governance Has Finally Caught Up With Him
It's become increasingly clear to Chicagoans that Rahm Emanuel is out for himself and his rich friends, not for us.
Rick Perlstein
Politico Carries Water for Bill O’Reilly—and His Bosses
O'Reilly's claim that he was in a war zone was just an 'embellishment,' Dylan Byers assures us.
Jim Naureckas
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