The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

In a Major Victory for Academic Labor, NYU Grad Students Win Contract, Narrowly Avert Strike
Kevin Solari
When Good Political Arguments Go Bad: On “Critique Drift”
It’s time to recognize that the injunction against criticizing those who self-identify as activists for social justice is a dead-end for our movement.
Freddie deBoer
Labour Pains
There’s a U.K. General Election in May and I don’t know how to vote.
Jane Miller
Rural America
The Gray Wolf Rollercoaster
John Collins
Acknowledging “Ugly History of Racism” in Labor Movement, AFL-CIO Creates New Commission on Race
Bruce Vail
I, Derivative Robot
In Chappie, Neill Blomkamp abandons his progressive instincts in favor of a trip through his DVD collection.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Why Are Drone Pilots Quitting In Huge Numbers?
Pratap Chatterjee
Papa John’s Forced to Pay Millions in Workers’ Stolen Wages
Kevin Solari
The Thing That Hillary Clinton Did
Matt Bors
What Has Jesus “Chuy” Garcia Actually Accomplished in Office? A Lot, It Turns Out.
It's not just that Rahm Emanuel has devastated Chicago through privatization and corruption—Chuy Garcia has a strong record of smart progressive governance.
Rick Perlstein
Do We Need Wolves?
The Endangered Species Act is under attack as Congress moves to delist wolves.
John Collins
With Gov. Scott Walker’s Approval in Wisconsin, Half of U.S. Now Under Right to Work
David Moberg
Rural America
The Spirit of 1773 and the Right to Local Self-Government
Thomas Linzey
Ferguson Police Dept: To Arrest and Collect
Jeff Danziger
With Jesse Jackson’s Chuy Garcia Endorsement, Black Leaders Begin to Unite Against Rahm Emanuel
García could be on his way to building the cross-racial coalition needed to unseat Emanuel and become Chicago's first Latino mayor.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
With the Passage of Right to Work, Workers Need a New Game Plan in Wisconsin
Eleni Schirmer and Michael Billeaux
Social Security Doesn’t Come To All Who Paid
Farmworkers find their employers pocketed their Social Security payments—rendering them ineligible for benefits.
Joseph Sorrentino
ISIS: Managers of Savagery
The sectarian brutality of ISIS has allowed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to disingenuously play the victim: the arsonist masquerading as a firefighter.
Muhammad Idrees Ahmad
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