The Wisconsin Idea

Legal Weed Is Great, But Black and Brown Communities Can’t Be Left Behind
Marijuana legalization must bring both equity and justice for those most impacted by the War on Drugs.
Katelyn Johnson
This Is One of the Most Important Legal Battles for Labor in Decades
Moshe Z. Marvit
Angela Davis: Rescinding of Civil Rights Award Is Attack on “the Indivisibility of Justice”
After an outcry from some Jewish groups over her support for Palestinian justice, Davis saw a prestigious civil rights award revoked. Here is her statement.
Angela Davis
Disaster Averted: How Unions Have Dodged the Blow of Janus (So Far)
Public-sector unions defied the Right’s attempt to crush them—and were transformed in the process.
Heather Gies
These Mexican Artists Are Transforming Weapons Into Instruments
Prominent Mexican Artists Carla Fernández and Pedro Reyes address gun violence and ways to sustain Indigenous culture in their collaborative exhibit.
Dirce Toca
The Real Border Crisis: Authorities Physically Blocking Children From Reaching Crossing Points
While Trump begs for his wall, children are fighting for their lives.
Jenny Villegas
A Left Sub-caucus in Congress Could Help Push Medicare for All
Back in 1991, Bernie Sanders helped create the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Now, a sub-caucus within the CPC could help rally the progressive Left.
In These Times Staff
Food Stamps and Rental Assistance Are Now in Jeopardy as Trump’s Government Shutdown Continues
The shutdown’s impact on the poor is about to get a lot worse.
Sarah Lahm
Instead of Watching Trump’s Speech, Watch This 12 Year Old Eviscerate the Immigration Crackdown
Leah, whose parents are undocumented, slammed Trump's "evil" family separations.
In These Times Editors
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