The Wisconsin Idea

We Can’t Settle for Less Than Single Payer
25 years ago, ITT's staff was divided about Clinton's healthcare plan. This time around there's no question.
Joel Bleifuss
The Climate Crisis Is Mind-Boggling. That’s Why We Need Science Fiction.
Only 29% of Americans report being “very worried” about the climate crisis. Climate fiction writers can help change that.
Amy Brady
The Trump Administration’s War on Federal Workers
Sarah Lahm
Trump’s EPA Has a Monsanto Problem
The EPA is meant to protect us. Instead, it's been captured by industry.
Joel Bleifuss
Yes, A Woman Can Beat Trump
Democrats have learned all the wrong lessons from the 2016 election.
Kathleen Geier
Bernie Sanders Has Laid Out the Stakes of the 2020 Election: Democratic Socialism or Barbarism
In a widely touted speech, Sanders explained why an unapologetic democratic socialist vision is the only antidote to the oligarchy and authoritarianism embodied by President Trump.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Sick of Hearing About Electability? It Will Take Organizing To Expand Our Political Imagination.
To overcome the insistent messaging of the corporate media and Democratic establishment, we need grassroots people power.
Malaika Jabali
How Border Patrol Occupied the Tohono O’odham Nation
Under ever-expanding high-tech surveillance, the reservation has become “the most militarized community in America.”
Todd Miller
“Electability” Is Astrology for Pundits
Expert predictions often represent little more than calcified prejudice.
Jonathan Cohn
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