The Wisconsin Idea

Steve Bannon’s European Dream
Europe used to serve as a utopian vision for the Left and a punching bag for the Right. Now it’s reversing.
Eleanor Penny
Pompeo and Bolton Are Headlining a Pro-War, Anti-Iran Event—And We Should All Be Very Worried
The Trump administration's decision to send senior officials to the annual summit of "United Against Nuclear Iran" is deeply troubling.
Eli Clifton and Derek Davison
How Unions Can Solve the Housing Crisis
The labor movement once built thousands of low-cost co-op apartments for working class New Yorkers. It could do so again.
Erik Forman
In Crosshairs of Right-to-Work, Kentucky Bourbon Makers Go On Strike
Michael Arria
Which Toni Preckwinkle Is Running for Chicago Mayor?
Preckwinkle is an early favorite and is poised to run as a progressive. But her record is more complicated.
Ramsin Canon
Death of a Torturer: Jon Burge Is Gone But His Racist Policing Is Not Forgotten
Jon Burge, the Chicago police commander who tortured over one hundred black men, died yesterday. He acted with complete impunity over almost two decades before reporters, activists, and human rights attorneys stopped him.
Ramsin Canon
The U.S. Isn’t Just Backing the Yemen War—It’s Helping Trap Those Forced to Flee
How the United States is helping Oman militarize its border with Yemen.
Khury Peterson-Smith
Serial Misogyn-Neigh: The New “BoJack” Explores How We Let Famous Men, And Horses, Off the Hook
Season five of BoJack Horseman turns a critical eye on its characters and itself.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Don’t Trust Jeff Bezos’ Preschool Philanthropy Scheme
Rachel M. Cohen
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