The Wisconsin Idea

Electronic Monitoring Isn’t Helping People on Parole, It’s Sending Them Back to Prison
A new report shows that electronic monitoring is expensive, faulty and lacks regulation, making it harder for those on parole to re-enter society.
Talia Wright
Rural America
20,000 Native Voters for North Dakota?
Stephanie Woodard
Why We Should Take Weight Discrimination Seriously As a Workers’ Rights Issue
Bryce Covert
Kavanaugh Is Terrible on Workers’ Rights—And That’s Anti-Woman, Too
Julianne Tveten
These Activists Say Sabotaging Pipelines Is Legally Justified Because Humanity Hangs in the Balance
A landmark trial will test the argument that civil disobedience is needed for the greater good.
Jessica Corbett
The Philippine President Is Waging a Ruthless War on Drugs—And the U.S. Is Complicit
The International People’s Tribunal found that President Rodrigo Duterte is responsible for grave human rights violations.
Azadeh Shahshahani
F*ck Columbus: Let’s Honor the Indigenous Communities Leading the Way on Climate Justice
As the legacy of colonialism destroys our environment, Indigenous Peoples are at the forefront of fighting back.
Jade Begay
Cook County Jail Is on Lockdown Over Van Dyke Verdict—And Activists Are Furious
“These people are being punished because a cop is going to jail? It doesn’t make sense," says activist Hesna Bokoum.
Sarah Lazare
The Hidden Message of Amazon’s $15 Wage: ‘You Don’t Need a Union’
Andrew Schwartz
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