The Wisconsin Idea

“Out Here Because I Love Teaching”: The Oakland Teachers Strike, In Photos
Brooke Anderson

Rural America
The Rights of Wild Rice
Winona LaDuke

Verizon. Pfizer. Bank of America. U.S. Corporations Are Funding Israeli Settlements.
Tax records show that the foundations of well-known corporations are funding settlements that are considered illegal under international law.
Alex Kane

Open Borders, Without Apology
Supporting freedom of movement isn’t just the right thing to do — it’s a political winner for the left.
Khury Petersen-Smith

U.S. Invasion of Venezuela Would Be a Nightmare for Its People
Under the pretext of delivering aid, Trump is threatening to unleash military violence.
Michael Fox

Lots of Presidential Candidates Talk a Good Talk. Look at Their Records Instead.
It’s the only way to tell who actually means what they say.
Nathan Robinson

Why We Should Believe Campaign Promises
Candidates may not truly believe everything they say. But we can get them to follow through on it anyway.
Theo Anderson

We’ve Been Fighting for $15 For 7 Years. Today I’m Celebrating a Historic Victory.
Jeff Schuhrke

Bernie Sanders’ 2020 Run Will Put Concentrated Wealth On Trial
The democratic socialist senator has already pushed the 2020 race far to the left. Now he wants a movement to redistribute economic power to the working class.
Sam Adler-Bell