The Wisconsin Idea

Thousands of Chicago Workers Are Out On the First Citywide Hotel Strike In Over a Century
Jeff Schuhrke
The Prison Strike Is the Modern-Day American Slave Rebellion
Eli Day
Detroiters Fear Losing Their Water May Mean Losing Their Kids
As thousands of Detroiters have their water shut off over debt, neighbors are helping each other to access water without alerting Child and Family Services.
Valerie Vande Panne
Black Feminism Will Save Us All
Why we desperately need real intersectional feminism.
Premilla Nadasen
How Radical Black Socialists Paved the Way for Andrew Gillum and Other Left Insurgents
Gillum and other left challengers are winning on an economic agenda pushed for decades by black-led social movements.
Eli Day
We Are Witnessing the Last Gasps of Centrism
While the Democratic establishment is blindly attempting to revive the neoliberal Third Way, the party's base is embracing socialism.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Mariame Kaba: Social Movements Brought Down Rahm—Now They Can Transform Chicago
A conversation with writer and organizer, Mariame Kaba.
Sarah Lazare
Will Mexico’s New President Declare Independence From the United States?
At public forums, Mexicans are pushing Andrés Manuel López Obrador to break with the U.S. on migration and drug policy.
Kent Paterson
Indigenous Women Rise Against Jerry Brown’s Climate Half-Measures
Ahead of the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, organizers prepare to advocate more radical solutions.
Isabel Bloom
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