The Wisconsin Idea

Nancy Pelosi Finds Time for War Hawks—But Not Yemeni-American Peace Advocates
While declining to meet with the Yemeni Alliance Committee, Pelosi has been palling around with the Israeli-American Council and the Saudi ambassador.
Sarah Lazare
There Is Nothing Kind or Gentle About George H.W. Bush’s Legacy
Bush 41 had a long career of ruthless war-making. It must not be whitewashed.
Christopher D. Cook
Philadelphia Just Passed the Strongest Fair Scheduling Law in the Nation
Bryce Covert
The Democrats Need a Clear Economic Vision. Here’s Where to Start.
The rising left wing of the party is leading the way, and the People's Budget and Green New Deal show how Democrats can transform the economy.
Christopher D. Cook
The Troubling Link Between Attacks on Immigrants and Repression of Labor Activists
Harry Blain
George H.W. Bush Was an Enemy of the Working Class
Rachel Johnson
In Roma, Alfonso Cuarón Zooms in on Class Tensions
Set in early 1970s Mexico, a new film explores the life of a domestic worker in a middle-class family.
Ilan Stavans
‘We’re One Union’: Why Chicago Teachers Are Out On the First Charter School Strike in the Country
Rebecca Burns
Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Are Pushing a Bold New Plan to Tackle Climate Change
In a livestreamed town hall event, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez laid out the best hope yet to stave off climate disaster and transform our economy: A Green New Deal. And now it's gaining support in Congress.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
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