The Wisconsin Idea

The 8 Most Important Labor Stories of 2018
Rebecca Burns

We Can Reclaim Christmas from Capitalism
The case for getting rid of Santa and ending the commodification of the holiday season.
Valerie Vande Panne

The Left Victories That Defined 2018—And Give Us Hope for the New Year
Despite Trump's destructive presidency, the Left made important strides this year—from electoral victories to strikes, union campaigns, movement organizing and popularizing left-wing policies.
Marc Daalder

News Feed Fatigue: It’s Getting Harder To Think
The case for taking a break from the news.
Jessa Crispin

This Little-Known Libertarian Training School Is Making Federal Judges More Conservative
After attending training at the Manne Economics Institute, judges are more likely to issue longer prison sentences and overturn protections for workers and the environment.
Moshe Z. Marvit

Actually, We Don’t Need To Grow the Economy
Protecting the planet requires scaling down, not up.
Dayton Martindale

Jailed by an Algorithm
Algorithms that are supposed to remove sentencing bias may perpetuate racism instead, say civil rights groups.
Nick Muscavage

The Year in “Civility”: The 6 Worst Appeals to Norms and Good Manners of 2018
As the Right went on the offensive, these Democrats called for appeasement.
Marco Cartolano and Sarah Lazare

Why Are These Labor Unions Opposing Medicare for All?
Natalie Shure