The Wisconsin Idea

Planned Parenthood’s Union Busting Could Have a Chilling Effect for Workers Everywhere
Rebecca Burns
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Why She Wants to Abolish ICE and Upend the Democratic Party
In an interview, the left primary challenger discusses everything from how Democrats have failed to protect working class interests to the need for a Marshall plan for Puerto Rico and why her democratic socialist message is catching on.
Kate Aronoff
Rural America
Navajo Candidate Kicked Off Utah Ballot Files Suit
Stephanie Woodard
Philly’s Progressive New DA Is Testing the Limits of Change from Within
Decarceration activists put Larry Krasner in office. Now they’re demanding that he empty the city’s jails.
Max M. Marin
These Private Prison Companies Are Already Profiting Off of Trump’s Order on Family Separation
By ordering that immigrant families be detained together indefinitely, Trump has provided a windfall to private prison operators.
David Dayen
This Latina Democratic Socialist Could Unseat One of the Most Powerful Democrats in Congress
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is waging an insurgent challenge to incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in New York—and her bold left message is gaining steam.
Amir Khafagy
Guatemala’s Campesinos and Indigenous Communities Fight Rampant Government Corruption
Heather Gies
Jobs Guarantee or Universal Basic Income? Why Not Both?
Alyssa Battistoni
An Indigenous Cooperative Is Dodging Bullets To Defend Their Land
In Cuetzalan, Mexico, environmentalists are risking their lives to fight destructive energy projects.
Ethan Bien
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