The Wisconsin Idea

The Hidden Message of Amazon’s $15 Wage: ‘You Don’t Need a Union’
Andrew Schwartz

‘This Is Historic’: Why the Van Dyke Guilty Verdict Is a Victory For the Movement For Black Lives
In an interview, Black Lives Matter organizer Aislinn Pulley explains why she sees the verdict as a step toward dismantling the systems of racist policing and economic inequality that have defined Chicago for decades.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Hyatt Workers Win 4-Week Strike, Hours After Third Coast Audio Festival Refused to Cross Picket Line
Jeff Schuhrke

Jeff Bezos Is Very Afraid of Bernie Sanders. The $15 Wage Victory Is Proof.
Micah Uetricht

Soccer Players Are Workers Too. And In Guatemala, They Just Went On Strike.
Jeff Abbott

How Saudi Money Keeps the U.S. at War in Yemen
On the Saudi lobby juggernaut.
Ben Freeman
Jerry Brown Didn’t Invite Grassroots Activists to His Climate Summit—They Came Anyway
While the elite discuss band-aids, organizers call for real solutions.
Kate Aronoff

Brett Kavanaugh Is Rape Culture Personified
Kavanaugh doesn’t just benefit from a system that shields men in the face of endemic sexual abuse—he embodies it.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Climate Change Is Already a Public Health Crisis—Just Look at Puerto Rico
Being poor and trapped by a hurricane can become a deadly condition.
Olivia Alperstein