The Wisconsin Idea

Trump’s Order Says Immigrant Families Can Be Jailed Together, But What They Deserve Is Freedom
The president's new executive order is clear: The incarceration of parents and children will continue--and likely expand.
Sarah Lazare
We Must Not Forget the Refugees Thrown Into Limbo by Previous Trump Orders
In May, Trump ended Temporary Protected Status for about 57,000 Hondurans living in the United States. They’re still dealing with the uncertainty.
Alex V. Hernandez
Oliver North Is Still Running Arms
North, the NRA’s new president, seems to always turn up when dictatorship looms.
Joel Bleifuss
Jobs Guarantee or Universal Basic Income? Why Not Both?
Neither is a silver bullet, but they can help us tackle inequality and climate change.
Alyssa Battistoni
Meet Oklahoma’s Anti-Privatization, Pro-Pot Candidate for Governor
Progressive Connie Johnson—and a medical marijuana legalization initiative—will be on the Oklahoma ballot June 26.
Valerie Vande Panne
Abusive Employers Are Threatening to Call Immigration Authorities on Domestic Workers
Sasha Kramer
The Rallying Cry of a Nationwide Movement: “Chinga la Migra” (F*ck Border Patrol)
Amid the horror of family separation, a grassroots network spearheaded by Mijente is launching a national tour of resistance.
Michelle Chen
Disaster Capitalism Strikes Puerto Rico’s Schools
The government’s plan to close 179 public schools and open charters has residents alarmed.
Hannah Wiley
Do We Need a Universal Basic Income? A Debate.
Getting free money from the government is popular. But would it prop up capitalism?
Matt Bruenig
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