The Wisconsin Idea

Inside the Closed Facebook Groups Where the Teacher Strikes Began
Lois Weiner

Inside the Closed Facebook Groups Where the Teacher Strikes Began
How Facebook helped make the wave of teachers’ strikes possible.
Lois Weiner

Police Union Is Lobbying To Expand Powers To Tase People Who Don’t Pose a Threat
Michael Arria

Rural America
An Informed Public Threatens Those in Power, But Our Public Is No Threat

The Only Explanation for Why the NRA Has Chosen Oliver North as its New President
The selection of North, a known war criminal, shows that the NRA is fully embracing its role as an extremist right-wing organization.
Branko Marcetic

We’re All Zucked
Tepid regulations aren’t enough to break Facebook’s hold on our personal data.
Jacob Silverman

Socialists and Progressives Just Trounced the Democratic Establishment
On Tuesday, insurgent challengers beat out their opponents in races across the country by running on bold left platforms.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Palestinians Are Forcing the World to See Their Humanity
The Gaza massacre is a war crime. And the United States is complicit alongside Israel.
Phyllis Bennis

From The Women’s March to The Poor People’s Campaign, A Call for Economic Human Rights
Cathy Albisa