The Wisconsin Idea

Reflections on Barack Obama: A Great and Disappointing President
Hope, change and the limits of the office.
Salim Muwakkil
DOJ: To Address “Defective” Accountability System, Chicago Must Renegotiate Police Union Contracts
The DOJ's damning report found a pattern of racism and unreasonable force, and that contract provisions hinder investigations.
Adeshina Emmanuel
Rural America
New CDC Study Finds Big Difference Between Rural and Urban Mortality Rates
Rural America In These Times
Corporate America is Inching Even Closer to a Constitutional Convention
In statehouses across the country, ALEC-backed legislators are pushing for a balanced-budget amendment, a repeal of the federal income tax and more.
Simon Davis-Cohen
Why President Obama Must Grant Clemency to Chelsea Manning
The administration is considering whether to free the imprisoned whistleblower. She needs our support now more than ever.
Chase Madar
Deficits Matter—But Not in the Way Paul Krugman Thinks They Do
Kate Aronoff
Interviews for Resistance: Mariame Kaba on Why the Time To Push for Single-Payer Is Now
The longtime organizer on how we can unite across difference to agitate for real progress under Trump—and push the Democrats left in the process.
Sarah Jaffe
Either Rex Tillerson Lied Under Oath, Or He Doesn’t Understand How Fossil Fuel Subsidies Work
At Wednesday's confirmation hearing, Trump's secretary of state pick denied that Exxon Mobil receives subsidies. It does.
Kate Aronoff
Workers Say Trump’s Labor Secretary Nominee Is a Habitual Violator of Labor Law
Liza Featherstone
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