The Wisconsin Idea

Rural America
American Cows are Eating Skittles and Other Reasons Why the 2018 Farm Bill is Important
John Collins

Why the U.S. Is a Bigger Threat Than North Korea
Decades of military adventurism have done more to destabilize the world than any of the "rogue states" the U.S. targets.
Vijay Prashad, Alternet

Interviews for Resistance: How To Stop “Neoliberalism on Steroids”
Sarah Jaffe

This Could Be Reparations’ Best Chance Since 1865
Black activist groups across the political spectrum are uniting behind reparations.
Salim Muwakkil

Why the Corporate Media Loves a Bombing
From Syria to North Korea, the press is growing hungry for war.
Bill Berkowitz

Mélenchon’s Campaign To Transform French Politics From the Left
The Bernie Sanders of France offers a progressive populist program to remake the Republic.
Cole Stangler

The Looming Writers Strike Is About Much More Than What’s On TV
David Dayen

Should Democratic Socialists Be Democrats?
Democratic Socialists of America members debate how—and to what extent—socialists should engage with electoral politics.
Chris Maisano and Jessie Mannisto

The Upcoming May Day Strike Could Be the Biggest In Over a Decade. Organizers Explain Why.
Sarah Aziza