The Wisconsin Idea

Momentum Builds for Massive West Coast May Day Strike
Jonathan Rosenblum

View of the Swamp from Across the Pond
As the U.K. barrels toward Brexit, Trump provides Britain with another bizarre spectacle.
Jane Miller

The Insurance Industry Would Make a Killing From Trumpcare
Trump and Ryan's AHCA is disliked by almost everyone besides private health insurers. There's a reason for that.
Wendell Potter

How the New York Times’ Budget Coverage Keeps the Public in the Dark
Numbers without any context only serve to mislead the reader.
Dean Baker

The Dangers of Salting Under Trump
Nick Johnson

The Best Police Money Can Buy
In the Fox series APB, police misconduct doesn't exist, and privatization and technology can fix any problem.
Kristian Williams

Rural America
Sonny Perdue Heads to Senate Ag Committee for Confirmation Hearing
Rural America In These Times

Eight Arrested as Activists March in Chicago To Protest Trump’s Budget
The president’s budget calls for deep cuts to a wide range of federal programs and departments.
Theo Anderson

Only a Free Press Can Get to the Bottom of the Trump-Russia Scandal
This week's hearing shows that further inquiry—from both Congress and media—is necessary.
Michael Winship