The Wisconsin Idea

Rural America
What Stumped the Bluejays?
Mark Twain

Forget Building Our Own Tea Party. The Left Can Win So Much More.
We should set our sights beyond just primary challenges and reshaping the Democratic Party; this is an opportunity to build a movement that can challenge capital and corporate power.
Jacob Swenson-Lengyel

Union Moves Ahead at American University: “Time To Bring Academia into the 21st Century”
Bruce Vail

Interviews for Resistance: The Opioid Crisis Is a Public Health Crisis Rooted in Poverty
A healthcare organizer in Maine talks about the importance of engaging people wherever they are.
Sarah Jaffe

Girl, You’ll Be a Cannibal Soon
A new French horror film explores identity, coming of age and the various temptations of the flesh.
Michael Atkinson

Rural America
Bird Flu Outbreak at Tyson Supplier Prompts USDA to Kill 73,500 Chickens
Dan Flynn

Chicago Teachers Are Trying to Organize the Biggest Charter School Union in the U.S.
Jeff Schuhrke

If You Think Trump’s at War With the Deep State, Take Another Look at His Policies
The president is no populist, and he'll only strengthen the influence of illiberal extra-constitutional power structures.
Mike Lofgren

Women Strike Against Capital—and To Take Back Feminism
Liza Featherstone