The Wisconsin Idea

How To Fight Hate Crimes and White Nationalism in Trump’s America
Standing against the far Right's vision means we can't stay silent.
Bill Berkowitz

Handbook for the Resistance: A User’s Guide to Taking On the Trump Agenda
Writers and organizers offer a handbook for fighting back.
In These Times Editors

Ohio Factory Workers Fight for a Union: “Everyone Deserves a Seat at the Table”
Jeff Schuhrke

Rural America
Creatures from the Corporate Lagoon: Trump Fills Swamp with Billionaires, Bankers and Oilmen
John Collins

From the WWE to the White House: The Anti-Worker History of Trump’s SBA Pick
Branko Marcetic

CNN’s New Book Is a Master Class in How Not to Cover an Election
The news network's instant retrospective on the Trump-Clinton race is as vacuous as their initial coverage was.
Chris Lehmann

Keith Ellison and Bernie Sanders: How To Remake the Democratic Party
The two congressmen discuss Donald Trump, Ellison's bid for DNC chair and how progressives can actually win.
Keith Ellison and Bernie Sanders

This Christmas, Go See a German Comedy About Consulting. No, Really.
Filmmaker Maren Ade's Toni Erdmann takes a wise and whimsical look at the struggles women face in the corporate world.
Michael Atkinson

5 Ways Unions and Workers Centers Can Defend Immigrant Members
Sonia Singh