ELI DAY was an investigative fellow with In These Times’ Leonard C. Goodman Institute for Investigative Reporting. He’s also a Detroiter, where he writes about politics, policy, racial and economic justice. His work has appeared in Vox, Current Affairs, Mother Jones, and the New Republic, among others.

The Only Way to Stop the GOP’s Democracy Doom Loop
Republicans are on a warpath against voting rights. Democrats alone won’t block them—we need mass grassroots resistance.
Eli Day

The Movement for Black Lives Has Been Waiting for This Moment
Racial justice organizers are preparing to take to the streets and the halls of power to push President Biden to meet their demands.
Eli Day

Left-Wing Groups Are Filling the Void Left By an "Invisible" Biden Campaign in Michigan
If Joe Biden wins Michigan, he’ll have these independent, grassroots groups to thank.
Eli Day

The Focus on Looting Shows How Our Systems of Power Value Capital Over Human Lives
Rather than indicting the racist police murder of George Floyd and other black Americans, our leaders are up in arms over protests and property destruction. That’s the twisted logic of U.S. capitalism.
Eli Day

A Caucus for Black Youth
Eli Day

The Latest Perversion of Martin Luther King Jr.? Invoking His Legacy to Defend Means-Testing.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a committed democratic socialist. If you want to honor his legacy, join the fight for universal social programs.
Eli Day

The Strike at McDonald’s Is About More Than Fighting Abuse—It’s About Workplace Democracy
Eli Day

Socialists of Color to the Front
LeftRoots, a socialist group with majorities of women and people of color, is strategizing to win.
Eli Day

Meet the Woman Who’s Fought Racism in the Mississippi Delta for 54 Years
The days of racist policymaking are far from over. But where the state has refused to invest in Black communities, We2gether Creating Change is filling the gap.
Eli Day

Young Black Feminists Have Some Pointers for Obama
Instead of scolding Black youth, Assata's Daughters is helping them organize to transform the world.
Eli Day

Marc Lamont Hill Has Secured His Place in the Proud Black Anti-Colonial Tradition
Black radicals have long connected their struggle to the plight of Palestinians.
Eli Day

Ron DeSantis Has Every Reason to Be Scared of the Dream Defenders—They Are Building Racial Justice
By linking his opponent Andrew Gillum to a group he claims has a “hateful and dangerous ideology,” Florida’s Republican gubernatorial candidate is again employing racist dog whistles—a longtime strategy of the Right.
Eli Day

On Tuesday, Oaklanders Will Decide Whether Landlords Can Evict Them for No Reason
In a city that has become ground zero for gentrification, black working-class tenants are leading a fight to stay in their homes.
Eli Day

The Legacy of Slavery Is Alive in the South as Black Women Workers Face Horrendous Conditions
Eli Day

The Prison Strike Is the Modern-Day American Slave Rebellion
Eli Day

How Radical Black Socialists Paved the Way for Andrew Gillum and Other Left Insurgents
Gillum and other left challengers are winning on an economic agenda pushed for decades by black-led social movements.
Eli Day

Meet Mariah Parker, One of the Young, Radical Women of Color Rescuing the Democratic Party
26-year-old Mariah Parker, who won an upset victory for Athens, Georgia, county commissioner, shows how progressive Democrats can bring together the struggles for racial and economic justice.
Eli Day

The Growing Movement To Grant All Prisoners the Right To Vote
Formerly incarcerated activists say that taking away voting rights because of felony convictions is racist and undemocratic, period.
Eli Day

Tammy Duckworth Seems To Have Forgotten That Not All Midwesterners Are White
Duckworth said that while left politics are popular in the Bronx, they can't win in the Midwest. She's wrong in more ways than one.
Eli Day

The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists That’s Fighting to Save the EPA
Eli Day