Marilyn Katz is a writer, consultant, public policy communications strategist and long-time political activist. She is president of MK Communications, a partner in Democracy Partners and a founder and co-chair of the newly formed Chicago Women Take Action.
Marilyn Katz is a writer, consultant, public policy communications strategist and long-time political activist. She is president of MK Communications, a partner in Democracy Partners and a founder and co-chair of the newly formed Chicago Women Take Action. She was called to action by the civil rights movement and the war in Vietnam while a student at Northwestern. In 1968, as an organizer with JOIN Community Union, she organized Chicago high school students – an activity that led her to be head of the “marshalls” in the April and August demonstrations.

The “Me Too” Movement and the Rights of the Accused
Have the men and women accused of sexual harassment lost their right to a fair hearing?
Marilyn Katz

Low Wages in Illinois: When Corporations Don’t Pay, the Public Does
Marilyn Katz

To Impeach or Not To Impeach? That Is Not the Question.
The problems with the GOP are far greater than any one figurehead.
Marilyn Katz

Trump Won Because Democrats Have Lost Touch With the Working Class
The Republican nominee tapped into the anger, pain and fear that motivated voters this election.
Marilyn Katz

How Past Victories For Gender and Racial Justice Made U.S. Olympic Success Possible
Women and African-American athletes show us what’s at stake in this year's election.
Marilyn Katz

Not With a Bang But a Whimper—Oreo Leaves Chicago Holding the Bag
Marilyn Katz

Chicago Activists Should Be Commended, Not Scolded, for Shutting Down Donald Trump’s Rally
Peaceful resistance doesn’t egg on Trump’s supporters—it forces them to back down.
Marilyn Katz

Stopping Trump: The Chicago Model
How the people of Chicago silenced Donald Trump.
Marilyn Katz

The Talking Heads are Wrong: It’s Not Over Yet
Despite what the pundits say, the outcome of Democratic primary is far from inevitable
Marilyn Katz

Bruce Rauner’s 1 Percent-Friendly Policies Are Making Things Worse for Illinois, Not Better
The near-billionaire governor keeps insisting his policies increase opportunities for Illinoisans. But the numbers tell a different story.
Marilyn Katz

Where Are the Black Panthers and Corporate Philanthropists When We Need Them?
Real change requires that we expand our understanding of what actions are needed on the part of the mayor, the police and any one who claims the mantle of the city’s leadership. Two films that premiered this past fall provide guidance of the kind of leadership that today is missing.
Marilyn Katz

What Was Won and Lost in Steven Salaita’s University of Illinois Settlement
Salaita’s settlement is a victory for him and academic freedom. But will we ever know who was watching him—and us?
Marilyn Katz

As Nabisco Ships 600 Jobs Out of Chicago to Mexico, Maybe It’s Time To Give Up Oreos
Marilyn Katz

Whose Race—And Gender—Is it Anyway?
Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal trigger an important conversation.
Marilyn Katz

Why Gay Rights Trump Women’s Rights
Why aren't we standing up against the assault on women's rights?
Marilyn Katz

Netanyahu’s Not So Secret Plan
Netanyahu is creating an Israel that will stretch from the Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea.
Marilyn Katz

Chicago Progressives: Examine the Election’s Numbers Before Patting Yourselves on the Back
The city's progressives should claim no easy victories.
Marilyn Katz

Chicago Progressives’ Midterms Performance Actually Wasn’t That Bad
Far from wringing their hands about last week's election's implications, Chicago progressives should take heart at their performance.
Marilyn Katz

It’s Time To Speak Out for Gaza
Why have American politicians and editorial boards been silent in the face of extreme violence?
Marilyn Katz

Netanyahu’s Gaza Game Plan
Armed conflict will only lead to mounting numbers of dead on both sides.
Marilyn Katz

Sipping Lattes on the Edge of a Volcano
What do Palestinians, human rights workers, progressive Israelis and Israeli settlers have to say about daily life in an occupied land?
Marilyn Katz

Two Decades After Oslo, A Look at Life in Israel and Palestine
While in the Middle East last October, I saw firsthand why ending occupation is so necessary—and why it will be so difficult.
Marilyn Katz

The Naiveté of Nihilism
How Occupy challenged the way we think, speak and act upon resistance.
Marilyn Katz

A Different Path for Syria—and America’s Cities
Will U.S. diplomacy in Syria carve a new path towards peace at home and abroad?
Marilyn Katz

A Half Century After Detroit Uprising, City Still Stranded by Capitalism and Federal Government
How federal policy and Big Auto drove black blight and white flight.
Marilyn Katz

Where the Real Danger Lies
Some indisputable consequences of closing 50 Chicago Public Schools.
Marilyn Katz

All Ye Progressives, Take Heart
The Grand Old Party will eventually be the Dead Old Party: the inexorable logic of numbers.
Marilyn Katz

Hathaway’s Nipples and a Congressional Primary: Signs of the Times?
Has the liberal media switched sides in the war against women?
Marilyn Katz

Obama in Israel: Some Dare Call It Victory
A speech can't do everything. But it can signal a new day.
Marilyn Katz

As Obama Tours Israel, It’s Time for Action, Not Talk
During President Barack Obama's visit in Israel, he must focus on ending the occupation.
Marilyn Katz

Guns? Don’t Wait for Congress—or Godot
With gun enthusiasts stockpiling weapons in light of impending federal regulations, what is a concerned citizen to do?
Marilyn Katz

A Time to Choose
How will the United States respond to the UN resolution on Palestine?
Marilyn Katz

Peace in Palestine Now
The latest round of killings in Gaza and Israel must spur the United States to broker a lasting peace.
Marilyn Katz

Fast-Forward to 2013
What life in Mitt Romney’s America would look like.
Marilyn Katz

Yes, GOP, ‘We Built It.’ But Not Alone.
The Republican Convention's theme implies--wrongly--that entrepreneurs don't rely on public help.
Marilyn Katz

Whose Election Is This Anyway?
It’s not about Obama or Romney. It’s about us.
Marilyn Katz

The Ties That Bind Paul Ryan and Todd Akin
Rape-denier Todd Akin is right in line with the GOP's staunchly anti-abortion platform. And so is Ryan.
Marilyn Katz

West Bank Diaries
In May, the author spent ten days traveling around Israel, Palestine and Jordan with the liberal pro-Israel advocacy organization J Street. What follows are excerpts from the journal she kept during her trip.
Marilyn Katz

Our Bodies, Their Politics
The last few months have made abundantly clear what women must do: Rid America's capitols of misogynists.
Marilyn Katz

Israel Needs a New Narrative
Casting Jews as permanent victims is both outdated and counterproductive to the country's well-being.
Marilyn Katz

What’s Next for the Occupy Movement?
There is much to celebrate, even as the tents come down. But it's time for new strategies.
Marilyn Katz

Lessons from the 1960s for the 99 Percent
To build a truly mass movement, Occupy protesters must avoid militancy—and learn to like leaders.
Marilyn Katz

A Deafening Silence
Why isn't the anti-war movement claiming victory for America's withdrawal from Iraq?
Marilyn Katz

What We Lost After We Won in 2008
An anti-war activist explains what the Democratic establishment fails to understand.
Marilyn Katz