December 2015 Volume 39, Issue 12

December 2015
How Wall Street Is Cashing In on Climate Catastrophe
Kate Aronoff
Fewer Police, Safer Communities?
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
The Great Academic Novel
Joanna Scutts
Love in the Time of 3D Boners
Michael Atkinson
How Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Became the Supreme Meme Queen
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle

How One City Is Making Sure Bosses Comply With Wage Theft and Paid Sick Leave Laws
Seattle's labor regulators are now under one roof.
Jake Blumgart

The Great Academic Novel
At the ripe age of 50, John Williams' "Stoner" is getting the attention it deserves
Joanna Scutts

The Barriers to Understanding the Refugee Crisis in Europe
The contrasts between the lives of Europeans and the lives of refugees
Jane Miller

Trapped in the Prison of Right-Wing Pundit Dinesh D’Souza’s Paranoid Mind
A stint in the slammer convinced the conservative author that liberals are crooks, as he lays out in his new book Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me About Obama, Hillary and the Democratic Party.
Chris Lehmann

Love in the Time of 3D Boners
Do the genitalia in Gaspar Noé’s Love herald the rise or the fall of 3D cinema?
Michael Atkinson

Fewer Police, Safer Communities?
The tension between safety from police and safety from crime
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

Will the Media Again Rush to Declare Clinton the Winner of Tonight’s Democratic Forum?
Why TV's talking heads discount Bernie Sanders
Joel Bleifuss

The United States’ Deplorable Parental Leave Policies Are Hurting Our Kids’ Futures
While wealthy parents pour more resources into their children's futures, middle- and lower-income families are being squeezed, resulting in an education gap
Susan J. Douglas

20 Years After the Million Man March, Louis Farrakhan Can Still Draw A Crowd—And Make Media Uneasy
The 82-year old Nation of Islam leader filled the National Mall in October. Why didn't the media take much notice?
Salim Muwakkil

How Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Became the Supreme Meme Queen
The psychology behind the 'Notorious RBG' phenomenon.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle