January 2016 Volume 40, Issue 01

January 2016
Raise a Glass to These Progressive Victories in 2015
James Thindwa
Bernie Is Right: The Military-Industrial Complex Is Alive and Well
Leonard C. Goodman
Why Compton Students Are Suing Their Schools
Ethan Corey
Free Speech In an Age of Campus Protest
Jill Hopke
Austerity Is Stranger Than Fiction
Michael Atkinson
The Limits of Liberal Niceness in Aziz Ansari’s Master of None
Bhaskar Sunkara

Why Compton Students Are Suing Their Schools
Nine in 10 6th grade students in the area have witnessed or experienced a violent crime. Is trauma counseling part of their right to an equal education?
Ethan Corey

Raise a Glass to These Progressive Victories in 2015
From the death of the Keystone XL pipeline to Fight for 15 victories, progressives made have major strides this year--thanks to groundwork laid over the past decade.
James Thindwa

Austerity Is Stranger Than Fiction
Filmed in Portugal in 2013 and 2014, Miguel Gomes' new documentary Arabian Nights tries to make sense of life under IMF rules.
Michael Atkinson

Europe, A Love Story: Michael Moore’s Latest Film Tries To Sell Social Democracy to America
In 'Where To Invade Next,' Moore marches around Europe with a flag on his shoulder, to dubious effect.
Jeremy Gantz

These Students Are Leading a Movement for Free College in the United States
At last, real organizing for tuition-free college is taking off in America.
Rebecca Nathanson

Free Speech In an Age of Campus Protest
How the media can work for, and against, the wave of anti-racist actions by students
Jill Hopke

The Limits of Liberal Niceness in Aziz Ansari’s Master of None
Ansari and his character, Dev, genuinely want to do good. But they're missing the political framework.
Bhaskar Sunkara

Bernie Is Right: The Military-Industrial Complex Is Alive and Well
For some, the Paris attacks were a windfall
Leonard C. Goodman

The Right’s Response to the Paris Attacks Is Shameful and Opportunistic
Trump et al. should take a lesson from a 4-year-old boy in Paris.
Susan J. Douglas

I Saw Disturbing Racism at Yale After 9/11. Sadly, It Seems Little Has Changed.
When will our universities stop treating students of color as throwaway items in the grooming of privileged white students?
Saqib Bhatti

The Wrong Kind of Solidarity: The UK’s Decision to Join the Air Strikes on Syria
Why bombing Syria in an attempt to weaken ISIS is not the answer to the Paris attacks.
Jane Miller