April 2016 Volume 40, Issue 04

A Progressive Case for Clinton Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
A Progressive Case for Clinton
I am a progressive, I like Hillary Clinton and I do not feel remotely conflicted about that.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Prime Minister David Cameron Is Right; the U.K. Should Stay in the EU
But its half-hearted participation must go.
Jane Miller
Two Upcoming Fims Not Coming to a Theater Near You
'Francofonia' and 'Cemetery of Splendour' are worth tracking down
Michael Atkinson
These New Co-op Apps Show How to Build Worker Power In the Age of Uber
In the apps of the "platform cooperativism" movement, workers share in the profits
Tom Ladendorf
How Bernie Sanders Bridged a Generational Divide
The 74-year old Sanders has proved to be the anti-greedy geezer.
Susan J. Douglas
The Morning After the Nomination: Will Clinton and Sanders Supporters Come Together?
On July 28, either Sanders or Clinton will accept the Democratic Party nomination. It will be up to their supporters to unite in November.
Joel Bleifuss
In No Uncertain Terms, U.N. Calls Out U.S. for Lack of Reparations to African-Americans
40 acres and a mule won't cut it
Salim Muwakkil
Hillary Clinton Suggested Breaking Up the Big Banks Won’t End Racism and Sexism. Is She Right?
Clinton's remark prompted a furious debate. Is there any truth to it—and why did she say it? Moe Tkacik and Amanda Marcotte debate.
Amanda Marcotte and Moe Tkacik
Terry Jones’ ‘Boom Bust Boom’ and the Greedy Monkey Theory of Economic Collapse
In a new doc, Monty Python's Jones illustrates capitalism's tendency toward disaster
Eileen Jones
The Power of Black Lives Matter Is About To Be Tested at the Polls in Chicago
Kim Foxx is promising real criminal justice reform—if she's able to unseat State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez on March 15.
Danette Frederique
No We Can’t, Without a Revolution: Why Bernie Sanders Is More of a Realist Than Barack Obama
Without a political revolution, Sanders' agenda is sure to fail. And he knows it.
Darlena Cunha
The Truth About Donald Trump’s Populism
What Matt Taibbi's overlooking: All fascists achieve and cement power in remarkably similar ways.
Rick Perlstein
Hillary Clinton Won Super Tuesday, But Bernie Sanders Won the Future
The millennials have spoken, and they overwhelmingly chose Sanders' radical change over Clinton's incremental reform.
Joel Bleifuss
After Decades of Bigotry and Antipolitics, the GOP Got What It Deserves in Donald Trump
With Trump, the GOP is reaping what it sowed over the last seven years. But there's no time for schadenfreude: Trump is now everyone's problem.
Chris Lehmann
Why Donald Trump Sends a Chill Through My Muslim-American Body
Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric is even more dangerous than it seems
Saqib Bhatti
In Bed with the Surveillance State: Laura Poitras’ Intimate New Whitney Show
The filmographer best known for Citizenfour reveals the inside workings of our post-9/11 world
Liz Pelly

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