May 2016 Volume 40, Issue 05

Even a Time Finance Columnist Is Now Questioning American Capitalism
Rana Foroohar's "Makers and Takers" breaks down crisis-prone U.S. economy
Chris Lehmann
In Jacques Audiard’s Dheepan, A Refugees-Eye View of a France We Rarely See
Three Sri Lankan strangers must pretend to be a family in a strange land
Michael Atkinson
The Real Heroes of the Flint Water Crisis
Flint residents refuse to be silenced
Victoria Goff
How an Ex-Felon Voting Bloc Could Shape Baltimore’s Election
44,000 newly eligible voters can make a real difference
Katie Rose Quandt
The Corporate-Backed Democratic Party Needs a Political Revolution
Bernie Sanders should use the momentum of his campaign to make demands at the Democratic National Convention
Joel Bleifuss
The Bernie Sanders Campaign Is Electrifying New York Politics. Will It Be Enough to Win the Primary?
Inspired by Sanders, independent groups like "Team Bernie NYC" and "Harlem for Bernie" have been hitting the streets to engage voters
Ethan Corey
Thanks to #BlackLivesMatter, Prosecutors Who Bungle Police Shooting Cases Face Tough Election Fights
While recognizing the limits of electoral politics, the movement has ousted two prosecutors--Anita Alvarez and Tim McGinty--and has more in its sights
Jennifer Ball
The Paradox of Bernie Sanders and the Black Voter
Despite Sanders' historic election, we still don’t seem any closer to resolving the rancorous intra-left debates about race and class.
Salim Muwakkil
From Broad City to the Era of the Single, Independent Woman: Female Solidarity Has Gone Mainstream
Amy Schumer, Samantha Bee and Rebecca Traister herald a new epoch of female independence
Susan J. Douglas
Understanding What Makes Donald Trump Voters Tick: Is It Just Racism?
In Trump's appeal, the Left seeks clues on winning back the white working-class.
Ian Haney López and Matt Morrison
When the Steel Mill Gets Replaced by a GOP Megadonor’s Casino
A new book analyzes the demise of Bethlehem Steel and the rise of a casino in post-industrial Pennsylvania.
Catherine Tumber
Ta-Nehisi Coates’ New Comic Book ‘Black Panther #1’ Is ‘Black as Hell’
Comic book readers, writers and artists of color have long been excluded from the comic book world. That appears to be changing.
Darryl Holliday

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