
Chicago’s Elections Brought a Lot of Good News for Progressives—and Democratic Socialists
Rahm Emanuel is gone, and a new crop of left-wing city council members is coming to power.
Hannah Steinkopf-Frank
The Case for Using Ranked Choice Voting in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primaries
To make the 2020 primary campaign more democratic, we should demand a system that takes all voter preferences into account. That system is ranked choice voting.
Adam Eichen
Beto O’Rourke Swings and Misses with Working-Class Michigan Voters
O’Rourke’s tabletop tour can’t hide his problematic record on workers’ rights.
Valerie Vande Panne
Trump Wants To Make the 2020 Election All About Socialism. Yes, Let’s.
The Right is trying to redbait—but it will backfire.
Joel Bleifuss
Does Medicare for All Mean Abolishing Insurance Companies?
Two experts debate.
Natalie Shure and Max B. Sawicky
Rashida Tlaib: Impeach Trump Now
Every day that we don’t address corruption, we are setting a precedent and eroding our democracy.
Rashida Tlaib
A Call for Clear Heads on Venezuela: How To Criticize Maduro While Opposing U.S. Regime Change
Working-class Venezuelans have long pushed the chavista government for greater democracy and justice—without ceding ground to the right-wing opposition.
Alejandro Velasco
A Historic Election in Chicago Cracks the Machine
The old guard is on the way out, and a progressive future for the city is coming into focus.
Kari Lydersen
Not Here To Behave: What Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Shirley Chisholm Have in Common
Like Shirley Chisholm and Ella Baker, when candidates like Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib enter the halls of power, they bring their people with them.
Barbara Ransby
Elizabeth Warren’s Universal Child Care Plan Is a Good Start. Other 2020 Candidates Can Up the Ante.
Warren's plan represents a big step forward, but we should demand something far bolder to address the child care crisis in America.
Kathleen Geier
The War Criminal Elliott Abrams and the Liberals Who Love Him
Elliott Abrams, who is steering Trump’s Venezuela policy, has a long track record of war crimes. Yet a number of liberal commentators are rushing to his defense.
Paul Heideman
How Third Way Democrats Could Get Trump Re-elected
The New Democracy PAC and other centrist groups want you to learn all the wrong lessons from 2016.
Joel Bleifuss
It’s Not Enough To Elect Progressives—Movements Must Have a Role in Governing
Candidates must treat us not as voters to be won but as partners.
Lizeth Chacon
Lots of Presidential Candidates Talk a Good Talk. Look at Their Records Instead.
It’s the only way to tell who actually means what they say.
Nathan Robinson
Why We Should Believe Campaign Promises
Candidates may not truly believe everything they say. But we can get them to follow through on it anyway.
Theo Anderson
Bernie Sanders’ 2020 Run Will Put Concentrated Wealth On Trial
The democratic socialist senator has already pushed the 2020 race far to the left. Now he wants a movement to redistribute economic power to the working class.
Sam Adler-Bell
An Economic Blueprint for Chicago Any Progressive Candidate Should Get Behind
Chicago’s elections offer a chance to break with the neoliberal policies of the past—by taxing the rich to invest in underserved communities.
Saqib Bhatti
Tax the Hell Out of the Rich, When They’re Alive and When They’re Dead
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders each have plans to massively raise taxes on the wealthy. But there's no need to choose—we should enact them all.
Rebecca Burns
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