
Obama’s Illegal Assaults
How once-controversial ‘war on terror’ tactics became the new normal.
Glenn Greenwald

New Drug Tests Target the Poor
A spate of new laws ties government assistance to sobriety—furthering an unfounded stereotype.
Rania Khalek

Global Land Grab
Fear of unrest and hunger for profit are sparking massive acquisitions of farmland.
Terry J. Allen

Suppressing the Vote
New ID laws combat an imaginary crime wave.
Roger Bybee

Do New Fuel Efficiency Numbers Add Up?
Assessing Obama's new fuel efficiency standards for vehicles sold in the U.S.
Ryan Williams

Behind Boehner’s Lies
The U.S. government is not a household that must live within its means.
David Moberg
America In Decline
Noam Chomsky

Banning a Boycott
A new Israeli law tries to squelch the BDS movement—but it may backfire.
Cole Stangler
The Debt Debacle
David Moberg

Is Obama an Environmentalist?
Eyeing a mixed record and obstructionist Congress, activists hope for the best.
David Moberg

The State of the Welfare State
Jane Miller

After Fukushima, New Fears in U.S.
Japan's catastrophe has raised new safety concerns about the proposed AP1000 nuclear reactor.
John Raymond

GOP Breaks
Tea Party Lines
Will the Republican Party gerrymander freshman insurgents into submission?
Edward Graham

Ending Our 10-Year War
Dissatisfied with President Barack Obama, antiwar groups push for a faster exit from Afghanistan.
Cole Stangler
Bachmann-Media Overdrive
Susan J. Douglas

Publicopoly Exposed
How ALEC, the Koch brothers and their corporate allies plan to privatize government.
Beau Hodai

In Israel, a Tsunami Warning
Noam Chomsky
Shining the Spotlight on the Corporate Pay Gap
David Sirota