
Bad America
Our debate recap: A nation decides whether it's time for the final act.
Hamilton Nolan
Sorry Joe, Countries Don't Have Souls
Joe Biden has framed the election as a battle for “America’s soul.” But what we need are politicians who will fight for the material needs of the people.
Joel Bleifuss
Want to Help Block Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee? Voting Alone Isn’t Enough.
Avoiding conservative dominion over the Supreme Court will require a mass movement of people in the streets as well as an electoral rebuke of Trump.
Michael Arria
Who Is Going to Stop Him?
If you don't think that Trump will steal this election, please explain why not.
Hamilton Nolan
The Confederacy Won't Die Until Florida Does
Election year in the epicenter of lost causes.
Hamilton Nolan
How to Negotiate With People Who Don’t Care If You Die
To win another stimulus bill, the Democrats need to embrace chaos.
Hamilton Nolan
Police and Affordable Housing Collide in Charleston
The South's most picturesque city reckons with race and gentrification.
Patsy Newitt
Tenants Just Won a Nationwide Eviction Ban. They're Still Fighting to Cancel Rent.
President Trump's surprise eviction moratorium is an election hail-mary. But to stave off a disastrous housing crisis, organizers say Democrats—including Joe Biden—must embrace bolder measures.
Rebecca Burns
In California, a “Labor Slate” Aims to Redefine the Relationship Between Unions and Politics
From union jobs to Medicare for All, this new pro-worker slate is pushing a progressive platform—and could become a model for how organized labor approaches elections.
Hamilton Nolan
On the Cusp of a Sex Ed Revolution
Texas has its first opportunity in more than two decades to address gaps in its approach to sex ed.
Lizzie Tribone
The Republican Party's Puzzling Obsession with Socialism
With a pandemic ravaging the country, a historically unpopular president and no platform to run on, the GOP has set its sights on attacking socialism. It doesn’t seem to be working.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
15 Years After Hurricane Katrina, Another Perfect Storm Is Upon Us
When Katrina hit, the mainstream media and Congress both reacted shamefully. Their response to the pandemic is no different.
Joel Bleifuss
Mijente Stayed Out of the 2016 Election. Here’s Why It’s Going All In This Time.
Hispanic voters will comprise 13% of the electorate this year—the largest nonwhite demographic group of eligible voters. Mijente’s “Fuera Trump” campaign aims to mobilize them for the November election.
Ray Levy-Uyeda
Want Progressive U.S. Politics? Continue to Reform the Democratic Party Rules
There would be far more elected officials like Jamaal Bowman and AOC, if New York complied with the new Party reforms.
Larry Cohen
Biden Promises a Return to the Obama Era. That’s Bad News for Palestinians.
A campaign built on nostalgia is no comfort for those who are not at all nostalgic for the Obama administration.
Alex Kane
Robert Reich: How Mitch McConnell’s Republicans Are Destroying America
While a lethal pandemic and economic crisis wreak havoc on working families, McConnell and the GOP are dead set on protecting business interests and enriching the wealthy.
Robert Reich
The Democratic Platform Fight Shows It’s Still Obama’s Party
Bernie Sanders supporters have pushed for progressive priorities in the platform, but the Barack Obama wing of the Democratic establishment is still in the driver’s seat.
Branko Marcetic
The Search for a Covid Vaccine Is Not an Arms Race
Treating vaccine research like a national security secret endangers us all.
Sarah Lazare
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