
9 Things Obama Could Do Before Leaving Office To Rein In the National Security State
With Trump on the way, the lame duck should do whatever he can to limit the next president’s power.
Pratap Chatterjee
Bernie Sanders’ New Book Offers a Roadmap for Progressives to Challenge the Establishment
"Our Revolution" brims with the same righteous indignation and relentless optimism that drew bigger and bigger crowds to his rallies.
Steve Early and Rand Wilson
The Democratic Party Has Failed—We Need a Radical Vision to Defeat Trumpism
The neoliberal establishment couldn’t stop Trump. A campaign for real economic justice can.
Zack Exley
A Message to Trump: We’re Not Going Back in the Shadows
Undocumented immigrants are ready to mobilize and resist.
Prerna Lal
Why Targeting Corporate Democrats Must Be Part of the Fight Against Trump
In order to combat President Trump, progressives have to challenge establishment Democrats and their corporate-friendly policies.
Mark Engler
Defending the Commons: 40 Years of In These Times
As the corporate assault on the environment grow, so does the movement against it.
Dayton Martindale
How an Entitled Clinton and the “Politics of Resentment” Gave Us Trump
Some lessons only become clear with time, but the 2016 election has already taught us a lot about our differences.
Theo Anderson
Pushing the Democratic Party Left: 40 Years of In These Times
Since 1976, In These Times has pressured Democrats for a more progressive agenda.
Joel Bleifuss
Seizing the Moment: 40 Years of In These Times
Pushing America Left since 1976.
Jessica Stites
20 Lessons from the 20th Century on How to Survive in Trump’s America
A history professor looks to the past to remind us to do what we can in the face of the unthinkable.
Timothy Snyder
Why Donald Trump’s Election Moved This 19-Year-Old to Tears
A college student reacts to her first election: "We were on the precipice of breaking the glass ceiling."
Samantha Knapp
A Q&A with Jane McAlevey: “We Can Turn This Thing Around More Quickly Than Most People Think”
The longtime labor organizer reflects on the election and talks about where we go from here.
Kate Aronoff
Why Our Universities Must Provide Sanctuary to Undocumented Immigrants
In the age of Trump, it's more important than ever for our learning institutions to join the fight against racism and xenophobia.
Alecia Richards
Trump’s Victory Is a Wake-Up Call to the Left
Did we do enough in 2016? And how can we build a broader electoral movement?
Lynn Koh
How Inequality Guts Democracy, Suppresses the Vote And Keeps the GOP in Power
If you're poor, you're more likely to prefer Democrats, but not vote. If you're affluent, you're more likely to favor Republicans and actually vote.
Theo Anderson
Donald Trump May Have Won—But This Is No Right-Wing Revolution
What the data can tell us on what went wrong, and how to move forward.
Mike Davis
“The Death of the Optimism of an Entire Generation”: College Students React to Trump’s Election
Millennials—who overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton—had a range of reactions, from despair to defiance.
Olivia Adams
Fighting Trump Isn’t Enough—We Must Also Wage War Within the Democratic Party
Absent our activism, the changing face of the GOP will continue to drag the Democrats further to the right.
Shaun Richman
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