
The Media Could Still Help Elect Trump
Trump can't reboot his campaign unless the press reboots it for him.
Neal Gabler
The Black Political Establishment Should Never Have Given Hillary Clinton a Blank Check
The Sanders campaign was an opportunity to put pressure on Clinton, but instead the neoliberal Black elite backed her unconditionally.
James Thindwa
Why Bernie Sanders Lost, and How the Next Progressive Challenger Can Win
Lessons from a campaign that outperformed expectations but still came up short.
Christopher Hass
Bernie Sanders’ Delegates Speak Out About Convention: “They Painted Us As Crazy”
Will the Democratic Party embrace its insurgent wing?
Kate Aronoff
An Inside-Outside Strategy For the Political Revolution
Raucous protests and down-ballot Democrats can beat the Bernie-or-bust blues.
Joel Bleifuss
The Two Faces of Obama’s Immigration Policy
The relief that never happened and the raids that did.
Annie Hylton
Crowd Reactions at the Democratic Convention Point To a Coming Party Realignment
As Democrats scramble to unify a divergent party under one roof, there’s a new kind of unity on the horizon.
Kate Aronoff
At the DNC, Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Shack Up With the Fourth Estate
Corporations, politicians and the media get cozy in Philadelphia—and face pushback.
Kate Aronoff
Bernie-or-Bust Is Real and Probably Not Going Away Anytime Soon
The DNC is shaking up to be a wild experiment in democracy.
Kate Aronoff
How the Democratic Convention Became a One-Stop Shop for Corporations Seeking Political Influence
A group of activists in Philadelphia is fighting back.
Ethan Corey
Leaked DNC Emails Show How Blatantly Democrats Trade Access For Donations
The WikiLeaks dump reveals an entrenched pay-to-play culture within the Democratic Party.
Branko Marcetic
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Done at the DNC. But She’s Not the Only Obstacle To Party Unity.
Divisions within the Democratic Party take center stage at this week's convention.
Kate Aronoff
Superdelegate Showdown: Round One Goes to the Democratic National Committee
Democratic Party activists lost at the Rules Committee meeting, but garnered enough support to take their fight to abolish superdelegates to the floor of the convention.
Kate Aronoff
Activists Push the Democrats for Real Solutions on Climate Change
The Democrats' climate platform beats the Republicans', but it doesn't go far enough.
Kate Aronoff
Trump Has Concocted a Dangerous New Blend of Pseudo-Leftism and Nativist Populism
The RNC showed Republicans are moving in a new, and frightening, direction.
Theo Anderson
Is Hillary Clinton a Progressive? Not If She Chooses Tim Kaine
By choosing Tim Kaine as her vice president, Clinton signaled that she values progressives in name and vote only.
Jodi Jacobson
Ted Cruz’s Speech Was the Final Sign of the GOPocalypse
The party of Lincoln is going up in flames--and embracing it.
Chris Lehmann
‘Make America Great Again’ Is All That’s Left Holding the GOP Together
Donald Trump’s shallow slogan also shows his strength.
Theo Anderson
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