
We Won’t Improve Education By Making Teachers Hate Their Jobs
How can you improve education by attacking educators?
Jeff Bryant
Lawmakers Push for Chicago Police Accountability With New Legislation in Springfield
New legislation from Illinois' state capital wants to change the way police misconduct is handled.
Adeshina Emmanuel
Ilan Pappe: Israel Is the Last Remaining, Active Settler-Colonialist Project
Ilan Pappe discusses Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders and the post-Zionist movement.
Eli Massey
The Most Important Thing Missing from Coverage of Syria: The Perspectives of Syrians Themselves
Given that Syrians are the ones most affected by the conflict, it's remarkable how little we hear from them.
Eli Massey
Ted Cruz’s ‘Lucifer’ Problem
If no Senators, Republican or Democrat, like Ted Cruz, why should American voters?
Susan J. Douglas
Democracy’s Fascism Problem
Europe has a ‘democracy deficit’ on both the Left and the Right
Slavoj Žižek
The Real Heroes of the Flint Water Crisis
Flint residents refuse to be silenced
Victoria Goff
3 Next Steps for the Political Revolution
Bernie Sanders can't do it alone.
Larry Cohen
Why We Must Make Green Energy a Public Good
A 'Green Tea' coalition of conservatives and environmentalists are offering market-based alternatives to fossil fuels—but creating an equitable climate future will require public-sector solutions
Kate Aronoff
The Bernie Sanders Campaign Is Electrifying New York Politics. Will It Be Enough to Win the Primary?
Inspired by Sanders, independent groups like "Team Bernie NYC" and "Harlem for Bernie" have been hitting the streets to engage voters
Ethan Corey
State Sen. Nina Turner on Why Black Voters Should Support Bernie—But Not Stop There
The Cleveland native and rising political star switched her support from Clinton to Sanders
Benjamin Dixon
Thanks to #BlackLivesMatter, Prosecutors Who Bungle Police Shooting Cases Face Tough Election Fights
While recognizing the limits of electoral politics, the movement has ousted two prosecutors--Anita Alvarez and Tim McGinty--and has more in its sights
Jennifer Ball
Understanding What Makes Donald Trump Voters Tick: Is It Just Racism?
In Trump's appeal, the Left seeks clues on winning back the white working-class.
Ian Haney López and Matt Morrison
Bernie Sanders Wasn’t Our First Socialist Mayor: Remembering Milwaukee’s Socialist Party History
Frank Zeidler served the city as mayor for three terms, and his Socialist Party held seats in the city council, state legislature and even Congress.
Shaun Richman
A Progressive Case for Clinton
I am a progressive, I like Hillary Clinton and I do not feel remotely conflicted about that.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
A Short History of the Media Smugly Dismissing Bernie Sanders’ Campaign at Every Step of the Way
Despite the fact that Sanders' campaign has only grown larger and larger, the media always bends over backwards to dismiss him.
Branko Marcetic
Donald Trump Really Doesn’t Like the First Amendment
Protesters against Trump aren't free speech opponents—Trump himself is.
Marc Daalder
To Save the Soul of the Democratic Party, Rahm Emanuel and Debbie Wasserman Schultz Must Go
If Hillary Clinton wants to convince us she is a progressive, she should call for their resignations.
Bill Moyers and Michael Winship
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