
The GOP’s Attack on Basic Rights Continues
Over the last several weeks, Republicans have proposed—and sometimes passed—legislation limiting the civil liberties of some citizens.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
In Times of Government Surveillance, Whose ‘Security’ Is at Stake?
Officials claim the current state policy is necessary to preserve the public's well-being.
Noam Chomsky
The Third Party That’s Winning
With new strategies, the Working Families Party is shaking up the two-party system.
Sarah Jaffe
The Real Welfare Queens
A new report shows corporations like Koch Industries have gotten billions in government subsidies.
David Sirota
Jersey Hustle
The South Jersey political corruption depicted in American Hustle still persists, in a new form.
Bhaskar Sunkara
Do Federal Prosecutors Have a Vested Interest in Blocking Sentencing Reform?
Andrew Mortazavi
Why the Internet Will Soon Be Two-Tiered
Low-income people of color stand to lose the most from the erosion of net neutrality.
Jay Cassano and Michael Brooks
Anti-Fracking Fight Heats Up in Maryland
Baltimore's march against the proposed Cove Point project was the largest environmental protest in the city's history.
Bruce Vail
Free Contraception Is in Danger Again
A Supreme Court case may prioritize employers' religious freedoms over women's health.
Ruth Rosen
Who’s Afraid of Rahm Emanuel?
Amara Enyia, who plans to run for mayor of Chicago in 2015, certainly isn’t.
Kari Lydersen
Faux Vox Populi
Will Obama's promises to fix inequality turn out to be as hollow as Clinton's were?
Chris Lehmann
Former FCC Commissioner Warns Against Comcast-Time Warner Merger
Michael Copps says the commission's love affair with industry destroyed independent media outlets.
Michael Winship
Kentucky’s Keystone XL
Nuns, landowners and environmentalists take on the union-backed Bluegrass Pipeline.
Cole Stangler
The GOP’s Fight Against Medicaid
4.4 million more Americans than last year have health insurance—no thanks to Republicans.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
The Reform That Dare Not Speak Its Name
The virtues of proportional representation.
Joel Bleifuss
Sabotaging Peace with Iran
Congress couldn't undermine Obama's deal without the help of the arms industry.
Leonard C. Goodman
Grand Old Race-Baiting
Ian Haney López's new book argues that conservatives have subtly exploited racism to disenfranchise us all.
Susan J. Douglas
New NSA Revelations: Drone Strikes Deliver ‘Death by Meta-data’
Alex Wolff
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