The Wisconsin Idea

The Fight Against the California Democratic Establishment Has Only Just Begun
Kimberly Ellis lost her bid for the chair of the California Democratic Party, but that has not stopped her fighting spirit.
Theo Anderson
Armed U.S. Agents Just Raided a Humanitarian Aid Center in the Arizona Borderlands
'No More Deaths' says unprecedented invasion has compromised life-saving operations on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Sarah Lazare
Done Waiting for the Mule: Black Activists Seek To Occupy 40 Acres of Land this Juneteenth
In cities across the country, organizers for "Black Land and Liberation" are preparing to reclaim vacant spaces.
Aviana Willis
Don’t Blame the Left for Political Violence in America: The Problem Lies with the Right
Attempts to place blame on left-wing movements aren't just wrong—they overlook the real scourge of racist violence.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
This Father’s Day, Recognizing the Dads Who Are Left Out, Locked Up and Fighting for Their Families
For dads in the crosshairs of systemic oppression, the work of parenting often goes underappreciated.
Brooke Anderson
A Day in the Life of a Day Laborer
Stephen Franklin
Rural America
Wisconsin Dairy Farmers Have Been Duped into Producing Too Much Milk
Jim Goodman
If the European Left Doesn’t Step Up to Take on Capitalism, the Right Will Pounce
The left must respond to the economic crisis to defeat the right-wing lurch towards nationalism and racism.
Conn Hallinan
Winning Power and Advancing a Radical Agenda Aren’t Mutually Exclusive
This year’s People's Summit shows it’s not enough to have good ideas. The left needs a strategy to win.
Kate Aronoff
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