The Wisconsin Idea

The Most Radical Aspect of Jeremy Corbyn’s Program? Democratizing the Economy
A report from the Labour Party outlines plans to democratize models of ownership.
Michal Rozworski

Activist from Afro-Colombian Strike Demands Minister of the Interior “Stop Killing Black People”
In viral video, Isaías Cifuentes declares, “We are here reclaiming our dignity.”
Sarah Lazare

10 Years Ago, Connecticut Got Big Money Out of Its Elections. Now Democrats Are Gutting the Program.
The landmark public financing system is under threat.
Adam Eichen

Sanders Backers Plant Left-Wing Flag in the Massachusetts Democratic Party
The state’s party just passed an incredibly progressive platform.
Theo Anderson

Interviews for Resistance: Disrupting the System by Demanding Healthcare as a Human Right
Sarah Jaffe

Trump Talks a Big Infrastructure Game But His Budget Tells a Different Story
Josh Bivens and Hunter Blair

Rural America
The USDA’s Organic Seal Should Not (and Must Not) Apply to Hydroponics
Linley Dixon

Don’t Retweet Lloyd Blankfein
Goldman Sachs CEOs are not your friends—even if they believe in climate change.
Kate Aronoff

Veteran Organizer Gives Inside Look at the First $15 Minimum Wage Campaign
Jonathan Timm