Working In These Times

Fast Food Workers in 236 Cities Pull Off Largest Strikes Yet as Other Low-wage Workers Join Fight
David Moberg
How the Fight for 15 Has Inspired Bold Action and Demands from Workers Everywhere
Sonia Singh
The Courage of Low-Wage Workers On Strike
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
How We Can Hold American Companies that Use Sweatshop Labor Accountable
Erik Loomis
Citizens United: The Elephant in the Room in Rahm Emanuel’s Mayoral Reelection
James Thindwa
Chicago Progressives’ Mixed Results Against the ‘Money Machine’
David Moberg
Union-backed Sue Sadlowski Garza Claims Win Over Rahm Emanuel Ally in Southeast Chicago (Updated)
Kari Lydersen
Broad Support for LGBT Rights Somehow Caught Republican Governors By Surprise
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Rahm Emanuel Won—But Chicago Progressives Actually Have Much to Be Happy About
Micah Uetricht
Yes, Rahm Has Brought Businesses To Chicago—But Their Labor Records Aren’t Pretty
Yana Kunichoff
Bernie Sanders Endorses Chuy Garcia, Calls Chicago Election a ‘Political Revolution’
Kari Lydersen
The New Union Plan to Protect Immigrant Members from Deportation
Julia Kann
Fight for Fifteen on Campus: Northeastern Students to Vote for $15 Wage for All University Employees
Keely Mullen
Fast Food Workers: Thanks for the Raise, McDonald’s, But We Said $15 an Hour, Not $10
David Moberg
Over 40 Former UNITE HERE Staff, Volunteers Rebuke Union for Endorsing Rahm Emanuel
Micah Uetricht
Panama’s Dockworkers Fight Poverty Wages—With Support From American Unionists
David Bacon
Workers Say the Fight for 15 Isn’t Just About Raises—It’s a Fight for Meaning in Their Lives
David Moberg
Foreign Trade Rules Are Killing Jobs and Communities. They Need Fixing Now.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
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