Working In These Times

Houston Janitors Strike Oil and Banking Buildings
Josh Eidelson

Chicago Coal Gasification Plant: Good Jobs or Bad Gas?
Kari Lydersen
Black Lung Returns, Female Congressional Staffers Paid Less, Chicago Public Schools Lie
Mike Elk

AFL-CIO Insists Philadelphia Rally Will Not Be a Shadow Convention
Mike Elk

Screwed in Scranton: Why Is This Just a Local Fight?
Roger Bybee

Settlement for New York Home Care Workers Highlights Injustice in Labor Law
Michelle Chen

Husky Energy Workers Strike Not Over Money, But Right to Swap Shifts
Mike Elk

OSHA Declines to Issue Rule Protecting Workers From Heat
Mike Elk

When Safety Becomes Voluntary: Workplace Self-Policing Program Under Scrutiny
Michelle Chen

East Coast Longshore Union Sounds a Militant Tone In New Contract Talks
Bruce Vail

Rio Tinto Smelter Workers, United Steelworkers Reach a Deal
Kari Lydersen

Transit Union Head: Future Depends on Organizing Riders
Josh Eidelson

The 7-Year Itch: Desperate for Fare Increase, Chicago Cabbies Continue Weekly Strike
Jeremy Gantz

Is Union Busting to Blame for Power Outages in D.C.?
Mike Elk

Labor Activists Peer into Shadows of Apple’s Factory Empire
Michelle Chen
Department of Labor To Investigate Union Busting on Army Base Following ITT Report
Mike Elk

San Francisco’s LaborFest Looks to Occupy The Past, Present and Future
Peter Cole
An Unexpected Progressive Victory in Wisconsin
Larry Hanley, ATU International President