Jane Miller lives in London, and is the author, most recently, of In My Own Time: Thoughts and Afterthoughts (2016), a collection of her In These Times columns and interviews.

Want Better Sex? Try Socialism.
In "Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism," Kristen R. Ghodsee argues that economic independence for women not only helps all of society—it improves heterosexual relationships too.
Jane Miller

Jeremy Corbyn Spent Passover With a Group of Socialist Jews. Here’s Why I’m Not Insulted.
How dare the world decide for us who's a proper Jew.
Jane Miller

Barbara Ehrenreich Calls BS on the Immortality Industry
In her new book, Natural Causes, the author reminds us that we can't cheat death -- although we can die trying.
Jane Miller

Viewing the USSR Through Red-Tinted Glasses
The writings of Svetlana Alexievich cut through the fog of propaganda surrounding the Soviet Union.
Jane Miller

The Cradle-to-Grave Coalition
On funerals and socialist revivals.
Jane Miller

Sorry, Tories: Jeremy Corbyn’s Success Is a Win for the Anti-Austerity Movement
British progressives have a long fight ahead. But for now, we're breathing a collective sigh of relief.
Jane Miller

Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay: Examining Britain’s Populist Revolt
David Goodhart's The Road to Somewhere goes nowhere worth following.
Jane Miller

Jeremy Corbyn’s Judgment Day
The June 8 election is critical for Labour's future.
Jane Miller

The Scrooges in Charge
From refugees to healthcare, Theresa May's policies are paranoid and mean-spirited.
Jane Miller

View of the Swamp from Across the Pond
As the U.K. barrels toward Brexit, Trump provides Britain with another bizarre spectacle.
Jane Miller

Brexit From the Side of a Volcano
Contemplating capitalism and democracy in the Canary Islands.
Jane Miller

Meet the Folkestones
A small British town that voted for Brexit.
Jane Miller

The First Hippies
The new book Rebel Crossings showcases a small band of feminist utopians who came to America to try something new.
Jane Miller

Brexit, Trump and What We’ve Failed To Learn From the 1930s
Perhaps dark undercurrents rest beneath every society, waiting for a depression or a demagogue to unleash them.
Jane Miller

The Hairdresser of Plaistow
The happy, often glamorous life of the man who cuts my hair.
Jane Miller

Can There Be a Party of the Left in Britain?
Party brass may not like it, but Jeremy Corbyn's popularity could herald a new era for Labour.
Jane Miller

Shuffling Off the Mortal Coil
On the passing of my friend, Daniel Aaron.
Jane Miller

The Tragedy of Brexit
In Thursday's Brexit referendum, Britain decided its fate. But what will that fate be?
Jane Miller

The Brexit Vote and the Future of the European Union
We can only hope that common sense will prevail.
Jane Miller

Cuts for the Poor, Tax Havens for the Rich
The Panama Papers expose the hypocrisy of England's oligarchs.
Jane Miller

Prime Minister David Cameron Is Right; the U.K. Should Stay in the EU
But its half-hearted participation must go.
Jane Miller

The Bittersweetness of Tidying Up
Getting rid of old baggage, political as well as material
Jane Miller

Scattering Karl’s Ashes
Learning to accept the inevitable
Jane Miller

The Wrong Kind of Solidarity: The UK’s Decision to Join the Air Strikes on Syria
Why bombing Syria in an attempt to weaken ISIS is not the answer to the Paris attacks.
Jane Miller

The Barriers to Understanding the Refugee Crisis in Europe
The contrasts between the lives of Europeans and the lives of refugees
Jane Miller

Jeremy Corbyn Is Already Pushing the Labour Party to Fight Inequality and Injustice
Despite a seemingly endless torrent of attacks and gossip, Corbyn is building a real alternative to politics as usual in the UK.
Jane Miller

In Elena Ferrante’s Neopolitan Novels, Women’s Rage Is Both Pardonable and Malevolent
The mysterious, wildly popular Italian novelist excels at crises and contradictions
Jane Miller

How an Anti-Austerity Protest Candidate Became the Frontrunner for Labour’s Leadership
Jeremy Corbyn's left campaign is shaking up UK Labour
Jane Miller

Treacheries At Teatime
On postwar anti-communist surveillance in Britain
Jane Miller

Austerity: The Real Winner of the UK Elections
May’s elections delivered the familiar thud of disappointment.
Jane Miller

Detained at Her Majesty’s Pleasure
The UK keeps migrants in detention centres for unspecified periods of time.
Jane Miller

Jihadis Invade London
We are no wiser as to who indoctrinated 'Jihadi John.'
Jane Miller

The Appeal of the UK’s Radical Right
UKIP is reaching the 'left behind' white working class.
Jane Miller

Labour Pains
There’s a U.K. General Election in May and I don’t know how to vote.
Jane Miller

The 1950s: You Had To Be There
Post-WWII America was more complicated than we remember.
Jane Miller

On the Death of a Spouse
Karl has died.
Jane Miller

Scotland: Why One Londoner Is Relieved
It's lucky for U.K. progressives that the Scots didn't secede.
Jane Miller

A Summer of Rubble
What are we to make of the recent eruptions of violence around the globe?
Jane Miller

A Sense of Life Ending
A long, slow end can be a treasure.
Jane Miller

What Is Literature For?
The U.K. removes American classics from required reading lists.
Jane Miller

Beyond the Right to Choose
When is 'choice' the wrong approach?
Jane Miller

The Ambiguities of Care
As they grow older, women may find themselves once again enlisted as unpaid caretakers.
Jane Miller

Clever Girls
'Men or books?' These could be mutually exclusive choices for young women in 1950s Europe, as two new novels show.
Jane Miller

How Will We Remember the First World War?
The centenary of the Great War has sparked some ugly debates in the U.K.
Jane Miller

Not Wasted on the Young
Instead of worrying about achievement, we should be ensuring the young get proper youths.
Jane Miller

Sex and the Older Woman
Lynne Segal provides a feminist take on desirability in old age.
Jane Miller

Berlin, a Favourite Once Again
In Berlin's renewed popularity, what has been forgotten?
Jane Miller

The Seamus Heaney I Knew
In memory of a Nobelist and a dear friend.
Jane Miller