Sarah Jaffe is a writer and reporter living in New Orleans and on the road. She is the author of Work Won’t Love You Back: How Devotion To Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone; Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt, and her latest book is From the Ashes: Grief and Revolution in a World on Fire, all from Bold Type Books. Her journalism covers the politics of power, from the workplace to the streets, and her writing has been published in The Nation, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The New Republic, the New York Review of Books, and many other outlets. She is a columnist at The Progressive and In These Times. She also co-hosts the Belabored podcast, with Michelle Chen, covering today’s labor movement, and Heart Reacts, with Craig Gent, an advice podcast for the collapse of late capitalism. Sarah has been a waitress, a bicycle mechanic, and a social media consultant, cleaned up trash and scooped ice cream and explained Soviet communism to middle schoolers. Journalism pays better than some of these. You can follow her on Twitter @sarahljaffe.

After Historic Chattanooga Win, the UAW Is Bargaining for Better Conditions at Volkswagen
Volkswagen workers and the United Auto Workers are hoping a contract with the automaker can reverberate across the South.
Sarah Jaffe
"Grief Is a Rupture": Sarah Jaffe's New Book on Grief and Revolution in a World on Fire
In her new book "From the Ashes" In These Times columnist Sarah Jaffe examines the intersections between grief and organizing for a better world.
Sarah Jaffe
The Minnesota Model Is Transforming Organizing as We Know It
“We can win more together than we can on our own.”
Sarah Jaffe
Keir Starmer Is Very Serious About the Status Quo
The UK's new Prime Minister, elected on July 4, won't touch the structures that helped him ascend to power—and that hold most working people in Britain down.
Sarah Jaffe
"We are New Orleans”: A Workers’ Bill of Rights Finds Common Ground
“When we came up with the Workers' Bill of Rights, it wasn't just for one group, it was for all."
Sarah Jaffe
Students, Gaza and a New Vision of Safety
"We Keep Us Safe" is more than a slogan at student encampments. It inspires an avenue to protection and community that undercuts a security state bolstered by genocide—and can show us all a path forward.
Sarah Jaffe
Tennessee's Governor Subverted Police Reforms After the Killing of Tyre Nichols
State Sen. London Lamar called it “a slap in the face.” It's part of a national pattern of attacks on democracy.
Sarah Jaffe
In Tough Loss, the High-Profile UAW Campaign at Mercedes-Benz in Alabama Falls Short
“This is probably the most strategic and organized union busting campaign in decades,” said one Mercedes-Benz worker.
Sarah Jaffe
LaborFeatureEn Español
Una Semana Laboral De 32 Horas Es Nuestra Para Tomarla
La lucha por jornadas laborales más cortas puede unir a los trabajadores.
Sarah Jaffe
A 32-Hour Workweek Is Ours for the Taking
The fight for shorter hours can unify workers everywhere.
Sarah Jaffe
Brenda Johnson de la Federación de Maestros de Minneapolis Local 59 y Eva López de SEIU Local 26 en una reunión en octubre de 2023 donde muchos de los grupos comunitarios y sindicatos alineados alrededor de la fecha límite de hoy del 2 de marzo elaboraron estrategias sobre la mejor manera de aprovechar su poder colectivo.
LaborViewpointEn Español
La Historia Laboral Más Importante en Este Momento Está en Minnesota. Podría Ser El Modelo Que Todos Necesitamos.
Una alineación estratégica de redes de sindicatos y grupos comunitarios en Minnesota ha trabajado durante más de una década para aprovechar su poder colectivo.
Sarah Jaffe
The Most Important Labor Story Right Now Is in Minnesota—It Might Be the Model We All Need
A strategic alignment of major networks of unions and community groups in Minnesota have worked together for more than a decade to leverage their collective power.
Sarah Jaffe
A Long History of Antifascism Is Driving the Jewish Demand for Gaza Cease-Fire
Crystallizing the deep history of antifascist Jewish resistance, progressive Jews across the United States marked the final night of Chanukah by shutting down bridges in at least eight cities.
Sarah Jaffe
The Hard Head and Wild Heart of Barbara Ehrenreich
Revisiting Nickel and Dimed, Dancing in the Streets, and many more of the late author's groundbreaking books.
Sarah Jaffe
This Valentine’s Day, Let’s Look to Marxists to Reimagine Love, Romance and Sex
It's not you, it's capitalism.
Sarah Jaffe
Against Loving Your Job
"We need a politics of time. A political understanding that our lives are ours to do with what we will."
Sarah Jaffe
Will Dems Fight the Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh? Organizers Are Pushing Chuck Schumer To Act.
A conversation with an organizer from Indivisible.
Sarah Jaffe
What the Supreme Court’s Week of Hell Means for People of Color
Sarah Jaffe
An Immigration Lawyer Explains What’s Really Happening with Family Separation
A conversation with Eve Stotland, director of legal services for The Door.
Sarah Jaffe
Why These Immigrants Are Shutting Their City Down This May Day
Sarah Jaffe
Arizona Teachers Are Prepared to Strike to Fix the Education Crisis Themselves
Sarah Jaffe
Jane McAlevey: We Can Beat Trump, But We Need More Than Big Marches
Sarah Jaffe
Keith Ellison: The Time Has Come for Medicare-for-All and a Maximum Wage
Sarah Jaffe
Let’s Challenge Corporate Democrats and Fight for a Universal Jobs Guarantee
Sarah Jaffe
Women Across the Globe Are Planning to Strike on March 8. Here’s Why.
Sarah Jaffe
How Organizers in Rural North Carolina Plan To Build Working-Class Power in 2018
Sarah Jaffe
“We Will Be Out in the Streets”: What’s Next in the Fight Against the GOP Tax Bill
Sarah Jaffe
Grad Students Take Tax Bill Fight to Paul Ryan’s Office
Sarah Jaffe
These Mainers Aren’t Ready To Give Up on Flipping Susan Collins’ Tax Vote
A conversation with Mike Tipping of the Maine People's Alliance.
Sarah Jaffe
The Tax Bill Battle Shows the Left Needs a “Single Payer of Fiscal Policy”
A conversation with Michael Kink, executive director of the Strong Economy for All Coalition.
Sarah Jaffe
How Democratic Socialists Took On Centrists and the Right Wing at the Ballot Box
David Duhalde, deputy director of the Democratic Socialists of America, discusses the group's recent electoral success—and what they have planned for 2018.
Sarah Jaffe
Here’s Why Chicago Activists Are Against Rahm Emanuel’s $95 Million Cop Academy
A conversation with Monica Trinidad, a Chicago-based artist and organizer.
Sarah Jaffe
What the South Can Teach the Rest of the Country About Resisting the Right
A conversation with organizers of the Southern Movement Assembly, a convergence of bottom-up organizations rooted in Black struggle.
Sarah Jaffe
If Berniecrats Were British: How Jeremy Corbyn’s Momentum Won the Soul of the Labour Party
Momentum continues to play a central role in organizing the Left in the U.K.’s Labour party.
Sarah Jaffe
From “Me Too” to “All of Us”: Organizing to End Sexual Violence, Without Prisons
To transform the conditions of sexual violence, we must not rely on violent systems of incarceration.
Sarah Jaffe
After Maria, Vulture Firms Are Trying to Bleed Puerto Rico Dry. They Must Be Stopped.
Jonathan Westin of New York Communities for Change discusses why Puerto Rico's debt needs to be canceled.
Sarah Jaffe
The Left Needs Its Own Shock Doctrine for Puerto Rico
Sarah Jaffe
Socialism and Faygo: Why the DSA Is Down for the Struggalo
A conversation with Allison Hrabar of Metro D.C. DSA.
Sarah Jaffe
After Member Is Deported, New York Teamsters Declare Themselves Sanctuary Union
Sarah Jaffe
The Left’s Long History of Militant Resistance to Fascism
A conversation with historian Mark Bray about the origins of modern anti-fascist movements.
Sarah Jaffe
The Attack on DACA Is About Racism. Period.
A conversation with the young people on the front lines of Trump's crackdown.
Sarah Jaffe
In Hurricane-Ravaged Texas, Immigrant Justice Fight Offers Glimmer of Hope
A conversation with Austin city councilman Greg Casar.
Sarah Jaffe
The Movement That Ousted Arpaio Is Setting Its Sights State-Wide
A conversation with Alejandra Gomez, the co-director of Living United for Change in Arizona.
Sarah Jaffe
Toward a Real Racial Justice Platform for the Political Revolution
A conversation with Nina Turner, president of Our Revolution.
Sarah Jaffe
If You Support the Durham Freedom Fighters, Now Is the Time to Have Their Backs
Organizer Angaza Laughinghouse on the wave of retaliation following the toppling of a Confederate monument.
Sarah Jaffe
The Big Banks and Corporations Financing Trump’s Deportation Machine
Activists are taking aim at corporations like JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo for their complicity in the administration’s mass deportation agenda.
Sarah Jaffe
An Inside Account of How Direct Action Helped Kill the GOP Healthcare Bill
Mari Cordes is a nurse, organizer and House candidate who was arrested multiple times in Washington, D.C. protesting the GOP's Obamacare repeal bill.
Sarah Jaffe
John McCain’s Constituents Are Revolting Against His Attempt to Take Away Their Healthcare
Meet Lauren Klinkhammer, a Tucson resident who was politicized by the federal assault on healthcare rights.
Sarah Jaffe
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