Jessica Stites is Editorial Director of In These Times.

Election 2024
Share Your Thoughts on the Election with In These Times
A space for political community as we continue to process what happened and what's to come.
Jessica Stites

David Graeber Is Gone, But He's Still Changing How We See History
In <i>The Dawn of Everything</i>, David Graeber delivers parting wisdom.
Jessica Stites

Imagine Elizabeth Warren as President. Now Imagine Bernie Sanders.
We asked their supporters to really think through what a progressive president could—and couldn't—do.
Jessica Stites

Why We Always Cover Union Fights From the Perspective of Workers, Not Bosses
We've been covering the labor movement for decades. And we're not quitting.
Jessica Stites

10 Years of Working In These Times: The 25 Best Stories
Jessica Stites

There’s a Vanishing Resource We’re Not Talking About
Humans are losing our cultural diversity even faster than we're destroying the planet. Yet that diversity could be key to surviving environmental extremes.
Jessica Stites

Why I’m Sick and Tired of Hearing About Russiagate
Mueller won’t save us from the deep flaws in our democracy that brought us Trump.
Jessica Stites

Why Did We Run an Anti-Abortion Piece in 1979?
A look back at the historical context and where we went wrong.
Jessica Stites

Locking Up Immigrant Kids, Again
Our nation's past treatment of immigrant families doesn’t make the current situation any less horrifying—but we need it to inform our longterm pressure on the Democrats.
Jessica Stites

Beyond Hollywood: Domestic Workers Say #MeToo
Ai-jen Poo on how a new women’s movement is building—from house cleaners to Hollywood stars
Jessica Stites

What We Got Wrong When Covering the Bill Clinton Sexual Abuse Allegations
In this #MeToo moment, looking back at our coverage.
Jessica Stites

Puerto Rico Is a Symptom of America’s Rotting Democracy
We need to rebuild the island and our government.
Jessica Stites

Hulu’s Brilliant Adaptation of “The Handmaid’s Tale” Says More About Our Present Than Our Future
For many marginalized women, dystopia is already here.
Jessica Stites

Seizing the Moment: 40 Years of In These Times
Pushing America Left since 1976.
Jessica Stites
The Undemocratic Origins of Superdelegates: Democracy Now! Talks to In These Times
Jessica Stites

Margaret Atwood on Climate Change, Her New Book and Why Socialists Are Better with Budgets
We asked the speculative fiction writer about this month's Canadian elections and (relatedly?) whether humanity is doomed.
Jessica Stites

The Climate Change-Induced Dystopia of ‘The Water Knife’ Is Not Just Sci-Fi—It’s Already Here
The climate change-induced tragedies The Water Knife chronicles are already happening today; they’re just not happening to us—yet.
Jessica Stites

Could Elizabeth Warren Really Run Against Hillary Clinton?
Some are holding out for a progressive alternative to a Clinton coronation.
Jessica Stites
Michelle Alexander On How Ferguson Shows The Truth About Our Racist Criminal Justice System
Jessica Stites

From Occupy to Ferguson
The two movements are more connected than you think.
Jessica Stites

Policing After Ferguson
Can we stop the brutality?
Jessica Stites

The Uses of Enchantment
In Enchanted Objects, David Rose rhapsodizes about the coming Internet of Things. But can high-tech objects really reconnect us?
Jessica Stites

Can We Have More Jobs and Less Work?
In an age of overwork and unemployment, economists look at novel ways to solve both problems.
Jessica Stites

The Dawning of the Age of Anthropocene
By altering the earth, have humans ushered in a new epoch?
Jessica Stites
$40 Million Fund Created for Rana Plaza Victims’ Families
Jessica Stites

The Adoption-Industrial Complex
Is U.S. domestic adoption about children or profit?
Jessica Stites

Is Your Town in Transition?
Out of a quaint English town, a sustainability movement goes global.
Jessica Stites
Noam Chomsky Helped Talk Stephen Hawking Into Boycotting Israel
Jessica Stites
The Rap Song That Rahm Emanuel Doesn’t Want To Hear
Jessica Stites

Independent Media Now!
An interview with Amy Goodman.
Jessica Stites
Joss Whedon Warns of Romney Zombie Apocalypse
Jessica Stites

Is America Exceptional?
Jarrett Stepman and Eli Zaretsky, representing the Right and Left, respectively, debate U.S. superiority
Jessica Stites
Get Your War On: One Job, One Vote
Jessica Stites
Spanish Police Clash with Anti-Austerity Protesters
Jessica Stites
South African Police Kill Striking Miners
Jessica Stites
Chicago Tribune: The Life and Death of an Iraq Vet
Jessica Stites