Branko Marcetic is a staff writer at Jacobin magazine and a 2019-2020 Leonard C. Goodman Institute for Investigative Reporting fellow. He is the author of Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden.

Bernie Sanders Was Right To Condemn Henry Kissinger. But Why Did He Praise Winston Churchill?
The former prime minister was, indeed, a "fan of regime change," among other things.
Branko Marcetic

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Playbook Against Bernie Sanders Is a Lot Like Her 2008 Playbook Against Obama
Just about every attack that has been lobbed against Sanders thus far in the Democratic race was once hurled against Obama.
Branko Marcetic

Loyola Students Face Discipline for On-Campus Protest, Say Univ. Violating Social Justice Commitment
Branko Marcetic

The Lessons of Syriza’s Failed Push Against Austerity
Austerity policies haven't worked in Greece, but neither have the radical Left's efforts to push back against them.
Branko Marcetic

The Other Keystone: The Alberta Clipper, the Pipeline No One Is Talking About
The Alberta Clipper pipeline is already transporting huge quantities of oil, but is doing so under the radar.
Branko Marcetic

Students Say Loyola University Chicago Admins Punishing Participants in On-Campus Worker Protest
Branko Marcetic

The Right’s Anti-Minimum Wage Arguments Have Pretty Much Stayed the Same for 80 Years
Branko Marcetic

Hey Girl. Ryan Gosling Wants You to Watch This Video of Bernie Sanders Denouncing Racism.
The Hollywood star is asking followers to share a video of the presidential hopeful denouncing racism as a tool to divide and conquer ordinary Americans.
Branko Marcetic

Postal Workers Union Delivers Its Endorsement to Bernie Sanders
Branko Marcetic

New Hillary Clinton Emails Show She Wanted Credit for Libya Intervention in 2011. Now She Doesn’t.
The latest tranche of Clinton emails recalls her pivotal role in the U.S. intervention.
Branko Marcetic

The Democratic Party Just Declared Its Opposition to Keystone XL. Was It An Accident?
A DNC email bashing Keystone may force Obama to take a firm position on the issue.
Branko Marcetic

You Have Less Than Three Days To Bid on the Menstrual Blood Portrait of Donald Trump on eBay
Proceeds from the painting will go to an immigrant and workers rights organization in Portland.
Branko Marcetic

Israel, Afghanistan and Drones: What the Democrats Didn’t Talk About Last Night
The Democrats' foreign policy discussions often took a hawkish line and avoided many of the most important issues that a future president will face.
Branko Marcetic

Fight for 15 Activists Spend Columbus Day Rallying Against “Racist” Donald Trump
Branko Marcetic

New Hillary Clinton Emails: Anne-Marie Slaughter, Sidney Blumenthal Urged Libya Military Action
The most recent release of Clinton's emails show the two liberal advisors strongly encouraging U.S. intervention against Libya.
Branko Marcetic

Carly Fiorina Didn’t Pay Several Workers From Her Previous Campaign
Branko Marcetic

Video Game Voice Actors Push for Strike Over Performance Bonuses and Stressful Recordings
Branko Marcetic

Sorry, Ms. Clinton: Outkast’s Big Boi Backs Bernie Sanders
But where Does Andre 3000 Stand?
Branko Marcetic

Ahead of Pope Francis Visit, Bernie Sanders Joins Low-Wage Worker Strike in Washington, D.C.
Branko Marcetic