Branko Marcetic is a staff writer at Jacobin magazine and a 2019-2020 Leonard C. Goodman Institute for Investigative Reporting fellow. He is the author of Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden.

What the Liberal Establishment Gets Wrong About the Trump-Putin Summit
Charges of treason and other reactionary rhetoric build support for a more confrontational—and dangerous—stance towards Russia.
Branko Marcetic

The NATO Summit Wasn’t a Victory for Trump—It Was a Victory for Militarism
Major media outlets are so focused on Russiagate they are missing the dangerous international military buildup taking place.
Branko Marcetic

What We Can Learn From How Laura Moser Made the Democratic Establishment Sweat
After her campaign was torpedoed by the DCCC, Moser gave the establishment's preferred candidate a run for her money.
Branko Marcetic

The Only Explanation for Why the NRA Has Chosen Oliver North as its New President
The selection of North, a known war criminal, shows that the NRA is fully embracing its role as an extremist right-wing organization.
Branko Marcetic

The DCCC’s Long, Ugly History of Sabotaging Progressives
The latest attacks on left challengers are no fluke: For decades the House Democratic fundraising body has put corporate, big-money interests first.
Branko Marcetic

When It Comes to the Fake News Scourge, Russia Doesn’t Hold a Candle to U.S. Conservative Media
The panic over Russian interference obscures the fact that fake news has always been with us—it’s just been pushed by the American Right.
Branko Marcetic

Worried About Russian Foreign Interference? Take a Look Into Saudi Arabia.
For decades, the D.C. establishment has been on the payroll of a foreign terror state. But because it's Saudi Arabia, you won't hear a peep.
Branko Marcetic

Donna Brazile’s DNC Revelations Are a Sign the Left Is Winning the War in the Democratic Party
The centrist establishment is discredited—and party insiders like Brazile can tell which way the winds are blowing.
Branko Marcetic

It’s Still Their Party: What the DNC Purge Means for the Democrats’ Left Flank
By removing Ellison and Sanders backers from DNC leadership, the Democratic establishment is ruthlessly tightening its grip on the party. Progressives should take a lesson.
Branko Marcetic

Don’t Coddle Liberal Politicians Like Kamala Harris—History Shows They Should Be Pressured
While some media commentators want to shield Democrats from criticism, holding politicians’ feet to the fire is a longtime successful tradition on the U.S. Left.
Branko Marcetic

A New Study Shows Hillary Clinton’s Hawkishness May Have Cost Her the Election
The lesson for Democrats is clear: Embrace a strong anti-war program.
Branko Marcetic

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Just Won’t Die
New Zealand and other signatories are quietly reviving the neoliberal trade deal, confident the political winds in the U.S. will shift.
Branko Marcetic

In Its Defense Against Fraud Suit From Bernie Supporters, the DNC Just Dug Itself Into an Epic Hole
If the party wants to favor a candidate, that's its own business, argues DNC lawyer.
Branko Marcetic

George W. Bush Was a Godawful President
The media's nostalgia for Bush is not only ill-informed—it's dangerous.
Branko Marcetic

Letter from Alleged 9/11 Mastermind Shows Our Own Foreign Policy Makes America Unsafe
A recently released letter from Khalid Shaikh Mohammad shines a disturbing light on what's behind many terror attacks.
Branko Marcetic

Don’t Be Fooled By the Trump Spat—The CIA Is Not Your Friend
A new book reminds us that the CIA is one of history's great purveyors of fake news.
Branko Marcetic

From the WWE to the White House: The Anti-Worker History of Trump’s SBA Pick
Branko Marcetic

The Incoherent Worldview and Virulent Islamophobia of Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor
At times, Gen. Michael Flynn has expressed empathy for those who join terrorist groups—but increasingly, he has substituted nuance for rank bigotry.
Branko Marcetic

A Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the Clinton Campaign’s Calculated Decision to Oppose the TPP
Branko Marcetic

Leaks Show Machinists’ Union President Secretly Moved Up Endorsement Vote to Help Clinton
Branko Marcetic

3 Reasons To Be Worried About the Blackstone Group—and Their Friend, Hillary Clinton
Leaked emails show Clinton’s advisers sought to “develop a real relationship with" the controversial private equity firm.
Branko Marcetic

Leaked Emails Show Hillary Clinton Would Likely Continue the Worst Parts of Obama’s Economic Legacy
Confirming progressives' suspicions, Clinton is shown hewing to the center on banking and entitlements.
Branko Marcetic

On National Security, Trump and Clinton Found Plenty To Agree On
And it's all terrifying.
Branko Marcetic

Liberal Pundits Once Championed Government Transparency—Then Hillary Clinton Ran For President
Matt Yglesias and Kevin Drum have suddenly come out against open government, betraying a long journalistic legacy.
Branko Marcetic

“The fix is in”: How the Blair Government Helped U.K. Companies Profit From the Iraq War
Declassified documents from the lead-up to war show oil, gas and other corporations scrambling to capitalize on Iraq.
Branko Marcetic

Leaked DNC Emails Show How Blatantly Democrats Trade Access For Donations
The WikiLeaks dump reveals an entrenched pay-to-play culture within the Democratic Party.
Branko Marcetic

Disappointed By the Democratic Party Platform? Follow the Money.
Several delegates to the platform drafting committee have deep financial ties to conservative industries.
Branko Marcetic

Meet Chris Antal, the U.S. Army Chaplain Who Resigned Over the Drone Program
'We have morally disengaged, outsourcing our killing, forgetting that the bloodshed is on our hands too.'
Branko Marcetic

Blair to Bush on Day After 9/11: “Co-opt” Sympathy for the U.S. to Support Military Action
Declassified communications from the U.K. to the U.S. show the depth of Blair's commitment to toppling Saddam Hussein.
Branko Marcetic

A Newly Leaked Hillary Clinton Memo Shows How Campaigns Get Around Super PAC Rules
It's not that hard.
Branko Marcetic

Democrats Say Superdelegates Have Never Decided An Election. In 1984, They Thought the Opposite.
A review of newspaper reports from 1984 shows that Democratic officials believed the superdelegate system had "virtually assured" the nomination for the establishment candidate.
Branko Marcetic

Government Surveillance Can’t Prevent Attacks Like Orlando. We Shouldn’t Expand It Now.
We are already incredibly surveilled, yet this did nothing to keep us safer. Increasing surveillance won't help prevent future attacks.
Branko Marcetic

The Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders Fight Has Gotten Nasty. But It’s Not Nearly As Bad As 2008.
Have we all forgotten how acrimonious Clinton vs. Obama was?
Branko Marcetic

Illinois College Faculty Say Continued Cuts Have ‘Ripped the Guts Out’ of Public Higher Ed
Branko Marcetic

One of the Inventors of Superdelegates Explains Why They Were Created: To Stop ‘Outlier Candidates’
A member of the 1982 commission explains why they created superdelegates and what they hoped to prevent.
Branko Marcetic

InvestigationGoodman Institute
The Secret History of Superdelegates
In July, 712 Democratic officials will decide the nomination—just as the party planned it.
Branko Marcetic

Why Activists Today Should Still Care About the 40-Year-Old Church Committee Report
The Church Committee Report reveals the lengths the government was willing to go in order to crush grassroots activism and spy on American citizens.
Branko Marcetic

In Defending Hillary Clinton’s Emails, Obama Shows His Double Standard on Classified Info
The Obama administration has cracked down on whistleblowers and leakers while offering Clinton a pass.
Branko Marcetic

A Short History of the Media Smugly Dismissing Bernie Sanders’ Campaign at Every Step of the Way
Despite the fact that Sanders' campaign has only grown larger and larger, the media always bends over backwards to dismiss him.
Branko Marcetic

Chicago Airport Workers Join 9-City Strike Demanding Higher Wages and a Union
Branko Marcetic

Neocon War Hawks Want Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump. No Surprise—They’ve Always Backed Her
With Trump's impending nomination, neocons are reaffirming what they've always thought: Hillary Clinton's foreign policy is right up their alley.
Branko Marcetic

A Tale of Two Interviews: Chris Matthews Grills Bernie Sanders, Tosses Softballs to Hillary Clinton
And gives Clinton much more time to speak without interruption.
Branko Marcetic

I Saw the Good, Bad and Ugly of Donald Trump Supporters at His Chicago Rally
Not all Trump supporters in Chicago on Friday were racist. But some definitely were.
Branko Marcetic

A Chicago Cop Falsely Arrested Over 130 People for Drunk Driving. Anita Alvarez Didn’t Charge Him.
Alvarez's office had to drop dozens of charges the officer brought. Why didn't she prosecute him?
Branko Marcetic

Memo to Ted Cruz: Carpet Bombing Is, By Definition, a Human Rights Atrocity
The cavalierness with which "carpet-bombing" has been discussed by the Republican candidate ignores the horrific human cost of such actions.
Branko Marcetic

In Chicago, Bernie Sanders Spells Out His Theory of Political Revolution
In two separate events, Sanders lays out his vision of change from the bottom up, and why mobilizing the American people is key to enacting progressive policies.
Branko Marcetic

‘Bravo!’ Email Appears To Show Clinton’s Friend Congratulating Her on Bombing of Libya
The newly released email from Anne-Marie Slaughter belies Clinton's attempts to distance herself from the military intervention
Branko Marcetic

You Can Buy a Copy of Marx’s ‘Capital’ Signed by Carly Fiorina on eBay To Benefit Bernie Sanders
But time is running out.
Branko Marcetic