Theo Anderson is an In These Times contributing writer. He has a Ph.D. in modern U.S. history from Yale and writes on the intellectual and religious history of conservatism and progressivism in the United States. Follow him on Twitter @Theoanderson7.

GOP’s Bad Karma Haunts Romney Campaign
Is Mitt Romney getting Swift Boated? Or do the Soptic ad--and the Ryan choice--reflect the truth about the candidate?
Theo Anderson

Obama’s Trump Card: Ohio
Three reasons why the Buckeye State is helping the president beat the odds.
Theo Anderson

On the Bainality of Evil
Why truth and politics don't mix.
Theo Anderson

Kissing Your Way to the Top: The Paul Ryan Story
He's the GOP's Chosen One, but is he leading the party over a cliff?
Theo Anderson

Romney 2012: It’s the End of the GOP as We Know It
Women and Latinos decisively reject the party, but that isn't the worst of Republicans' problems.
Theo Anderson

Three Takeaways from the SCOTUS Ruling on ‘Obamacare’
Theo Anderson
Is Single-Payer Dead? Meet the Congressional Candidate Who Doesn’t Buy It
Theo Anderson

Why ‘Chicago-Style Politics’ is America’s New Normal
"Chicago-Style Politics" Is Simply Business As Usual in D.C.
Theo Anderson

Trouble in the Heartland
Free-market fundamentalists stoke fears of a 'Warmist' conspiracy
Theo Anderson

Other Winners and Losers from the June 5 Primaries
Theo Anderson
Things Turn Ugly in the ‘Land of Enchantment’s’ First District Democratic Primary
Theo Anderson

Dissecting the GOP Brain
Why can't Republicans handle the truth?
Theo Anderson

The GOP’s Dukakis Problem
Republicans gloat that President Obama's days are numbered—but Romney could go the way of Michael Dukakis.
Theo Anderson
Norman Solomon’s Quest for Congress
The veteran activist and writer may become one of the most progressive people on Capitol Hill.
Theo Anderson

Lugar’s Loss in Indiana: the Death of Nuance in the GOP
Theo Anderson

Why the Right Really Hates Obama
And why 'that hopey changey stuff' is the only true antidote to Tea Party cynicism.
Theo Anderson

Citizens United and the 19th Amendment
What campaign finance reformers can learn from America's suffragettes.
Theo Anderson
The Naked and the Dead: Mitt Romney’s Strange Saga
Theo Anderson

‘Block the Vote’ Blowback
GOP photo ID voting laws have energized African-American activists. Their anger could end up helping Democrats in November.
Theo Anderson

Promises Broken, Promises Kept
President Obama has fulfilled many campaign promises. But that's cold comfort to progressives.
Theo Anderson
The GOP’s Sex Addiction—and Why It Might Not Hurt the Party This Fall
Theo Anderson

Progress in the ‘World’s Greatest Deliberative Body’?
The prospects for Democrats in the Senate are looking better, but progressives' gains will be modest in November.
Theo Anderson

Will Catholic Bishops Be GOP Pawns?
The Church and evangelicals are finding common ground.
Theo Anderson

Catholics and the Culture War Abroad
Theo Anderson

After Kucinich Defeat, Will Progressive Mantle Fall?
Theo Anderson

How Do You Like It Now, Republicans?
Rush Limbaugh's depravity is the endpoint of conservatism's long journey into the heart of darkness.
Theo Anderson

Why Gary Johnson Should Terrify the Democrats
The Libertarian's presidential candidacy poses a problem for Barack Obama.
Theo Anderson

After Santorum’s Big Wins, Are We Closer to War With Iran?
Theo Anderson

A Puritan’s Dilemma
Religion, politics and the agony of David Foster Wallace.
Theo Anderson

Why Mitt Romney Doesn’t Have a Prayer
The GOP frontrunner has a Mormon problem. But not the one that you think.
Theo Anderson

The Truth About Mitt Romney’s “Very Poor” Comment
Theo Anderson

The Sunshine State’s Shadowy Legacy
How the 2000 Florida presidential election transformed the GOP.
Theo Anderson

Steve Forbes: The GOP’s Man in 2012
The Republican Party’s awkward flat-taxing farce has the last laugh.
Theo Anderson

Killing Us Sweetly
Conservatives' role in the growing burden of American obesity.
Theo Anderson

Deporting the Vote
President Obama's record-setting number of deportations hasn't exactly endeared him to Latino voters.
Theo Anderson

New Confederacy Rising
Testing, once again, whether this nation can long endure.
Theo Anderson

The Religious Left, Born Again
Progressive activists are finding inspiration in churches, synagogues and mosques.
Theo Anderson

What’s the Matter With Wisconsin?
The state's motto is "Forward," but it's now turning its back on a rich progressive history.
Theo Anderson

Glenn Beck’s American Ark
The ubiquitous Fox News host offers followers an old-time apocalyptic vision
Theo Anderson
Ralph Reed Redux: Will GOP’s Old Tricks Work in New Era of Diversity?
Theo Anderson
Life Imitates Art: Palin, GOP Ride the Populist Tiger
Theo Anderson
Just Say What You Want: Will Progressives Ever Pass Political Linguistics 101?
Theo Anderson
The GOP’s Hail-Mary Play for the Hispanic Vote: God, Guns, Guts
Theo Anderson
Some Social Decay With That Bottled Water?
Theo Anderson

Springsteen’s Salvation
A new book reveals The Boss' enduring allure.
Theo Anderson
Catholic is the New Protestant for the Supreme Court and American Politics
Theo Anderson
The End of the World as We Know It? Tony Judt on Mass Capitalist Delusions and History’s Tragi
Theo Anderson
The Trouble With Bill McKibben’s ‘Eaarth,’ and the Promise of Environmentalism 2.0
Theo Anderson