Theo Anderson is an In These Times contributing writer. He has a Ph.D. in modern U.S. history from Yale and writes on the intellectual and religious history of conservatism and progressivism in the United States. Follow him on Twitter @Theoanderson7.

Why We Should Believe Campaign Promises
Candidates may not truly believe everything they say. But we can get them to follow through on it anyway.
Theo Anderson

The Left Is Already Winning the 2020 Presidential Race
For the first time in 40 years, bold progressive policies are setting the terms of the debate.
Theo Anderson

New York’s Faux Democrats Are Out, and Conservative Democratic Politics Thoroughly Discredited
Voters in New York just told members of the conservative-leaning IDC to GTFO.
Theo Anderson

Despite El-Sayed’s Loss, The Left Scored Some Huge Wins—and Showed It’s Winning the War
From Kansas to Michigan to Missouri, voters proved that left politics can win in the Midwest. Get ready for the coming wave.
Theo Anderson

With Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez Backing Him, Abdul El-Sayed May Be on the Verge of a Stunning Upset
Riding a wave of left energy, gubernatorial candidate El-Sayed could follow the lead of Sanders in 2016 and score a shocking primary win in Michigan.
Theo Anderson

California Democrats Just Stunned Dianne Feinstein By Endorsing Her Left Challenger
On Saturday, the California Democratic Party overwhelmingly backed progressive Senate candidate Kevin de Leon over incumbent Dianne Feinstein, the latest sign yet of a tectonic shift toward the party's left flank.
Theo Anderson

Ben Jealous’s Victory Is Proof the Democratic Party’s Left Flank Is Winning Concrete Power
Jealous's victory in Maryland shows the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party is ascendant—and that bold progressive ideas are the path to victory.
Theo Anderson

California’s Left Swing Is Very Good News for Progressives Nationwide
Tuesday's primaries show that from universal healthcare to early childhood education and taxing the wealthy, progressives are winning the battle of ideas in the Democratic Party.
Theo Anderson

A Democratic Spring: 12 Left Challengers Taking On the Party Establishment in 2018
The scattering of challenges to the Democratic establishment after Bernie Sanders’ run has become a tidal wave.
Theo Anderson

This Union Nurse and Outspoken Progressive Could Become Iowa’s Next Governor
Cathy Glasson is running an insurgent campaign on a platform of Medicare for all, a $15 minimum wage and ending “right to work” laws.
Theo Anderson

The Democratic Establishment Should Be Very Nervous After Chicago’s Primary Results
While progressives didn’t win all their races, they did show that the establishment is vulnerable and that left platforms are popular.
Theo Anderson

Bernie Sanders’ Inequality Town Hall Proved How Far Left the Economic Debate Has Moved
Sanders’ live event brought a bold progressive economic vision to 1.7 million viewers, breaking the record of his previous town hall.
Theo Anderson

The Two-Party System Is Facing Its Biggest Challenge In 70 Years
From Maine to Missouri, states are bucking the establishment to push radical electoral reforms.
Theo Anderson

Bernie Sanders Just Sidestepped Corporate Media to Promote Medicare for All to 1 Million Viewers
The democratic socialist senator’s town hall on universal healthcare marks a new phase in the political revolution.
Theo Anderson

Move Over, Corporate Democrats. A New Wave of Left Populists Is on the Rise.
It's 2018. Candidates don't need the establishment anymore.
Theo Anderson

Roy Moore’s Loss Signals a GOP Tearing Itself Apart Ahead of 2018
The upset win by Doug Jones in Alabama shows the Republicans have nothing to offer and everything to lose.
Theo Anderson

The Mueller Indictments Aren’t Stopping the GOP From Pursuing Its Craven Agenda
Trump is in hot water, but Republicans are still pushing forward his plans to cut taxes on the rich and defang the EPA.
Theo Anderson

Trump’s Heritage Foundation Speech Is a Sign of the Coming All-Out War Within the Right
Both factions of the conservative movement want tax cuts for the rich—but the knives are out between the Bannon and GOP establishment wings.
Theo Anderson

Our Revolution Somerville’s Campaign to Separate the Progressives from the Poseurs
Storming the city council to hold the mayor accountable.
Theo Anderson

The Movement for Single Payer Has Transformed the Healthcare Fight. The CNN Debate Was Proof.
During CNN’s Monday night debate about the Affordable Care Act, it became clear that progressives have set the terms of discussion.
Theo Anderson

Lyin’ Ted Is Still Standing—But This Democrat Has a Bold Plan To Topple Him
Rep. Beto O’Rourke is aiming to topple Ted Cruz and pursue a progressive agenda in Texas.
Theo Anderson

The Great Midwestern Divide: Why Minnesota and Wisconsin’s Political Schism Matters
The governorships of conservative Scott Walker (R-Wis.) and progressive Mark Dayton (D-Minn.) have yielded dramatically different results.
Theo Anderson

Meet the Organizers Pursuing a Progressive Takeover of the Republican Party
‘Brand New Congress’ is going after red states and Republican voters with left populism.
Theo Anderson

Toss Out Your Milquetoast Campaign Slogans: It’s Time to Build Power
To win elections, People's Action is mobilizing from the grassroots.
Theo Anderson

The Right Calls Climate Change a Leap of Faith. But Denial Is a Leap into the Abyss.
Climate change presents us with an existential challenge: Can humans muster the political will to save ourselves?
Theo Anderson

What the Single-Payer Loss Reveals About the Role of Corporate Money in California Politics
The chair of the California Democratic Party’s progressive caucus explains how it went down.
Theo Anderson

Ossoff’s Loss Is Further Proof: Democrats’ Path to Power Is Through Moving Left, Not Center
The results in Georgia show that the Trump resistance can show up to the polls, but centrism isn’t a strategy to win.
Theo Anderson

The Fight Against the California Democratic Establishment Has Only Just Begun
Kimberly Ellis lost her bid for the chair of the California Democratic Party, but that has not stopped her fighting spirit.
Theo Anderson

Can the Democratic Party Be Transformed from Within? Taking Stock of Wins and Losses
In the wake of the Virginia primary contests, it’s time to evaluate the strategy of Our Revolution.
Theo Anderson

Can Progressives and Democrats Make This Thing Work?
Progressives debate corporate money in politics and the potential for change.
Theo Anderson

Bernie Sanders Supporters Are Taking Over the Democratic Party Machine, One State at a Time
From California to Massachusetts, a grassroots revolt from the left is wresting control of the party away from the corporate establishment.
Theo Anderson

Sanders Backers Plant Left-Wing Flag in the Massachusetts Democratic Party
The state’s party just passed an incredibly progressive platform.
Theo Anderson

The Surprising Cross-Partisan Appeal of Single-Payer Healthcare
Where Trump voters and socialists agree.
Theo Anderson

Resister’s Digest: Getting Radical in the Heartland
Upcoming conferences and actions aim to tap the power of progressives.
Theo Anderson

23 Grad Student Workers Arrested as Yale Hunger Strike Continues
Theo Anderson

Meet the Pittsburgh Mayoral Candidate Who Wants to End Inequality
John Welch believes he can turn hearts and minds—and turn out voters.
Theo Anderson

Resister’s Digest: Trumpcare Bill Unleashes the Fury of the Left
Donations pour in to target vulnerable Republicans after House vote.
Theo Anderson

May Day Protesters Demonstrate in Cities Across the Country in Defiant Show of Force
Theo Anderson

Resister’s Digest: The Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement Scores Big Wins
Other movements are hoping to build on May Day momentum and planning more strikes and protests.
Theo Anderson

Resister’s Digest: Nationwide Protests Swell as Trump Marks 100 Days in Office
Protesters will surround the White House on Saturday and march and strike on May Day.
Theo Anderson

Resister’s Digest: Bernie Sanders Launches “Fight Back” Tour Against Trumpism
The senator hopes to build a Democratic party that is strong in all 50 states.
Theo Anderson

How Evangelicals Revolutionized U.S. Politics
Even as they lament the imminent demise of Christianity and the oppression of true believers, evangelicals maintain an outsized influence on politics and policy.
Theo Anderson

Resister’s Digest: Want to Fight Trump? Upcoming Special Elections Could Hand Him Defeats
"Tax Day" marches and rallies for immigrant rights are also planned this week.
Theo Anderson

Resister’s Digest: Sputtering Congress Takes a Break. The Resistance Gears Up.
Protests, town halls and other events are scheduled for this recess.
Theo Anderson

Resister’s Digest: Bringing Single-Payer Healthcare to Life
Single-payer healthcare is back in play after Trumpcare went down in flames.
Theo Anderson

Eight Arrested as Activists March in Chicago To Protest Trump’s Budget
The president’s budget calls for deep cuts to a wide range of federal programs and departments.
Theo Anderson

Resister’s Digest: Grilling Gorsuch and Taking It to the Streets Against Trumpcare
Hearings start this week for Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick.
Theo Anderson

Defending Truth Is a Radical Act of Resistance
The Trump administration’s gush of lies corrodes democracy on many levels.
Theo Anderson