Theo Anderson is an In These Times contributing writer. He has a Ph.D. in modern U.S. history from Yale and writes on the intellectual and religious history of conservatism and progressivism in the United States. Follow him on Twitter @Theoanderson7.

The RNC Shows the GOP’s Base Is Getting Smaller and Angrier
Conservatives, once a self-proclaimed "silent majority," have become a loud, defensive minority.
Theo Anderson

RNC Day 1: The Real World, Cleveland
Reality TV star Donald Trump brings his show to Cleveland, where the GOP party faithful are plotting to vote Hillary Clinton off the island.
Theo Anderson

Hillary Clinton and the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
Do young people oppose Clinton because they're sexist—or because they're looking for something more in politics?
Theo Anderson

Why Evangelicals Are Flocking To Donald Trump
Trump is beating Bible-thumping Ted Cruz among evangelicals. What do they see in a formerly pro-choice New York real estate mogul?
Theo Anderson

How Iowa’s Independent Streak Explains Bernie Sanders’ Meteoric Rise
Iowans have a long history of breaking from party orthodoxy. Our reporting from the state shows that could be good news for Sanders on February 1.
Theo Anderson

What Is Actually Radical About Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism Isn’t the Socialism
It isn't a particularly radical political vision—it's an unflinching commitment to democracy.
Theo Anderson

3 Winners and 3 Losers from the Second Democratic Debate
Parsing the results of the Iowa debate.
Theo Anderson

Why Bernie Sanders Will Win This Election—Even If He Doesn’t Win the White House
American voters are mad as hell, and the rise of Sanders shows that they're not going to take it anymore.
Theo Anderson

Would Jesus Vote for Bernie Sanders?
With the decline of culture war issues and the rise of crises like climate change, Bernie might actually be able to win over young evangelicals.
Theo Anderson

Progressive Democrats of America Bring Movement Pressure to Dems Through Bernie Sanders Campaign
Thanks to social media campaigns and behind-the-scenes work from the Progressive Democrats of America, Sanders' chances at president have become a reality.
Theo Anderson

Our Real ‘Munich Moment’ Isn’t Over Negotiations with Iran—It’s on Climate Change
We are, indeed on the brink of global disaster, but not because of our negotiations with Iran.
Theo Anderson

The Political Genius of Bernie Sanders’ Socialism
Bernie's socialism isn’t a “charade.” It’s a provocation—and a brilliant one, at that.
Theo Anderson

Why Bernie Sanders Is the Perfect Candidate for This Moment in American Politics
Sanders's laser-like focus on inequality is perfectly in sync with the nation's current political climate.
Theo Anderson

The GOP and ALEC’s War on Cities
The Right has hijacked Congress and State Houses. Now it's coming for the cities.
Theo Anderson

Storming the Corporate Castle: Does Shareholder Activism Work?
Shareholder activism has sparked major wins for progressives, but the strategy has also spurred debate.
Theo Anderson

Tending Dixie’s Racial Wounds
Does a story-sharing program offer a chance at Southern reconciliation?
Theo Anderson

Texas: The Blue Frontier
Texas won't turn blue from the top down, but it may already be doing so from the ground up.
Theo Anderson

“Employers Feel Wildly Free To Pay People However They Want”: An Interview with Kim Bobo
Theo Anderson

Terkel’s Torch-Bearers
Meet the new generation of oral historians.
Theo Anderson

New Hampshire Rebellion
Activists march for campaign-finance reform in the Granite State.
Theo Anderson

Judgment Day for Payday Lenders
Religious groups in the South fight a predatory practice.
Theo Anderson

The Deal That Never Died
The New Deal's still all around us
Theo Anderson

Stamp of Disapproval
Activists and union workers fight to stop the U.S. Postal Service from shedding buildings and jobs.
Theo Anderson

Yinzers Toss Teach for America
An embattled public school system fights back against privatization.
Theo Anderson

Uh-oh, We F**ked Our Mother
Our Oedipal relationship with Mother Earth.
Theo Anderson

Water, Water, Nowhere
When water becomes scarce, conservatives become environmentalists.
Theo Anderson

‘The Colorado Model’
Voting just got easier in Colorado.
Theo Anderson

Shock and Awww
What is most likely to make people go vegetarian?
Theo Anderson

Giant Green Steps
What needs to happen to pass global warming legislation?
Theo Anderson

10 Things George W. Bush and Dennis Rodman Have in Common
Ten years after the Iraq War began, some curious similarities between the Decider and the Worm.
Theo Anderson

The Revolution Will Be Capitalized
State-owned banks can offer low-interest credit and local investment capital. But do they have a future?
Theo Anderson

Minimum Wage, Maximum Stimulus
There's an easy way to stimulate the economy.
Theo Anderson

Parks and Referendum
A fight to save a local park taps into the global movement for public space.
Theo Anderson

Was Hurricane Sandy God’s Judgment on Republicans?
Theo Anderson

The GOP’s Year of Magical Thinking
Now that the election charade is over, will the party accept reality?
Theo Anderson

End Times for Michele Bachmann?
Hamming for the Right, without bringing home the bacon, may have put Bachmann in electoral jeopardy.
Theo Anderson

A Third-Party Breakthrough
The Working Families Party tips a race in upstate New York.
Theo Anderson

Progressive Star of Texas
Beto O'Rourke is on his way to shake up Congress.
Theo Anderson

Meet ‘Me-Too’ Mitt
All Romney is saying is: Give peace a chance. And other curiosities from the last presidential debate.
Theo Anderson

Was It Something I Said?
Obama gets peeved--and prevails over Romney--in the second presidential debate.
Theo Anderson

VP Debate: Only the Strong Survive
Paul Ryan is wrong that "projecting strength" will solve all of America's problems. But it does win debates.
Theo Anderson

Workers’ Rights at the Ballot Box
Labor flexes its political muscle in the Midwest.
Theo Anderson

Obama: Forever Zung
Three (unsurprising) surprises from his first-debate zinging.
Theo Anderson

A Good Ole Boys’ Family Feud
As Romney sinks, Republicans turn on each other, and the 'Southern strategy' implodes at last.
Theo Anderson

5 Mysteries from the DNC
Who's afraid of Obamacare, are unions dead and other questions arising from Charlotte
Theo Anderson

Democrats Go for The Jugular
On the first night of the DNC, the speakers hit the GOP's perceived strength: family
Theo Anderson

The GOP Parties Like It’s 1984
The script of the Republican National Convention reads like a Rambo reboot, with Democrats as the villains.
Theo Anderson

The GOP Goes All-In on the Tea Party
A tight Tea Party race in Indiana--and the Akin uproar--could determine control of the Senate.
Theo Anderson