Black Lives Matter

In Milwaukee, a History of Racist Violence Fuels Mistrust of the Police Department
A recent shooting recalls the decades of abuse inflicted on the city's African-American community by police.
Flint Taylor
Walking While Black
Encounters with police in New York City.
Garnette Cadogan
The Radicalism of Black Lives Matter
Three years in, the youth-led movement has the power to transform the Left.
Martha Biondi
Black Lives Matter Is Showing Why Progressive Jews Must Support Palestinian Justice
The Movement for Black Lives' new platform has drawn a line in the sand over support for Palestinian rights and racial justice.
Kate Aronoff
The Black Political Establishment Should Never Have Given Hillary Clinton a Blank Check
The Sanders campaign was an opportunity to put pressure on Clinton, but instead the neoliberal Black elite backed her unconditionally.
James Thindwa
Killings By Police Haven’t Stopped Mexico’s Movement Against Neoliberal Education Reform
Despite police repression, Mexico's militant teachers union continues to strike and protest.
Andalusia Knoll Soloff
The Occupation in Chicago That’s Building a Community Free from Racist Policing and Prisons
For over two weeks, young, Black activists have camped out to protest police oppression and imagine a more just world.
Kali Robinson
James Baldwin’s Many Heirs
In the essay collection The Fire This Time, a new generation of Black writers keeps Baldwin's flame alight.
Erin Aubry Kaplan
Yale Worker Who Shattered Racist Window: ‘People are Tired of Being Victims’
Corey Menafee tells In These Times what brought him to the breaking point.
Michelle Chen
The RNC Shows the GOP’s Base Is Getting Smaller and Angrier
Conservatives, once a self-proclaimed "silent majority," have become a loud, defensive minority.
Theo Anderson
Will Pokémon Go Help Activism Evolve?
Some activist groups are using the new app to organize, while others are more skeptical.
Kate Aronoff
Michelle Alexander: Amidst Police Brutality, ‘There’s an Unfinished Revolution Waiting to be Won’
We need a profound shift in consciousness to challenge an entrenched system of racial and social control.
Michelle Alexander
After Alton Sterling and Philando Castile: How the System Punishes Protesters and Protects Police
Police in Minnesota and Louisiana have their own "bill of rights" that can shield officers from accountability for fatal shootings.
Adeshina Emmanuel
How Union Contracts Shield Police Departments from DOJ Reforms
Even when the federal government cracks down on police abuses, collective bargaining agreements often stymie reforms.
Adeshina Emmanuel
Thanks to #BlackLivesMatter, Prosecutors Who Bungle Police Shooting Cases Face Tough Election Fights
While recognizing the limits of electoral politics, the movement has ousted two prosecutors--Anita Alvarez and Tim McGinty--and has more in its sights
Jennifer Ball
Ta-Nehisi Coates’ New Comic Book ‘Black Panther #1’ Is ‘Black as Hell’
Comic book readers, writers and artists of color have long been excluded from the comic book world. That appears to be changing.
Darryl Holliday
To Save the Soul of the Democratic Party, Rahm Emanuel and Debbie Wasserman Schultz Must Go
If Hillary Clinton wants to convince us she is a progressive, she should call for their resignations.
Bill Moyers and Michael Winship
Four Years Since a Chicago Police Officer Killed Rekia Boyd, Justice Still Hasn’t Been Served
Rekia is not forgotten. Her spirit lives in current organizing and protests in Chicago and around the country.
Mariame Kaba
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