Black Lives Matter
A New Poll Has Bernie Sanders Leading Hillary Clinton by 7 Percent in the New Hampshire Primary
New Hampshire seems to be feeling the Bern.
Marc Daalder
A Year Post-Ferguson, the Nation’s Youngest and Boldest Movement Debates Reform vs. Revolution
A firsthand report from Cleveland at the first-ever Movement for Black Lives national strategy session.
Rachelle Hampton
How One Group of Moms Is Keeping the Peace on One of Chicago’s Most Violent Street Corners
The group wants to make one thing clear: Young black men are not the enemy.
Lillian Osborne and Jessica Stites
Our Neo-Confederacy
The flag may be wiped from state grounds and license plates, but its ideals live on in the GOP agenda
Salim Muwakkil
After the Confederate Flags Come Down, Everything Named After Nathan Bedford Forrest Should Be Next
The Confederate general and KKK "grand wizard" belongs on the short list of the most vile white supremacists in American history. Yet parks and monuments in his name can be found throughout the South.
Peter Cole
How Black Lives Matter Has Spread Into a Global Movement to End Racist Policing
The next Baltimore could be somewhere in Europe.
Amien Essif
How Activists Won Reparations for the Survivors of Chicago Police Department Torture
A history of the movement to make Chicago pay for the crimes of former police commander Jon Burge.
Flint Taylor
A Century After Ota Benga’s Captivity, Elites Still Don’t Understand White Supremacy
Over a century after a Congolese man was displayed at the Bronx Zoo monkey exhibit, white elites still stubbornly believe they are benevolent, not supremacist.
Chris Lehmann
Civil Rights: The Next Generation
What happens in Baltimore isn’t going to stay in Baltimore
Martha Biondi
“You can’t just vacuum up all of this data of innocent citizens”
Joel Handley discusses the Chicago Police Department's use of StingRay technology and other high-tech monitoring of people's movements.
Lauren Gaynor
Why White Americans Don’t Believe in ‘Personal Accountability’ For Police
Do the nation’s police suffer from the ‘soft bigotry of low expectations’?
James Thindwa
Can Ferguson’s Black Community Claim Political Power?
Rev. and Missouri state Rep. Tommie Pierson, who has found himself in the eye of the storm, reflects on Ferguson's recent elections and the DOJ report.
Emmett Rensin
“To this mayor, black and brown lives do not matter”: 3 Arrested at Die-In at Rahm Emanuel’s Office
Protesters demand reforms to alleged abuses in Chicago’s criminal justice system, including a discriminatory “stop-and-frisk” program and secret interrogation site.
Yana Kunichoff
Why Chuy Garcia Needs To Condemn Rahm Emanuel’s Secret Police Interrogation Site (Updated)
By any other name, it still smells like torture.
Flint Taylor
Meet the Radical Brownies
A Oakland girls' troop is inspired by the Girl Scouts ... and the Brown Berets.
Aviana Willis
Even Being a NY Times Columnist’s Son at Yale Isn’t Enough to Prevent Racist Police Harassment
Charles Blow vented on Twitter when his son had a gun drawn on him by Yale Police.
Terrell Jermaine Starr, Alternet
The Women Behind Black Lives Matter
The 'leaderless' movement is being propelled by the efforts of women of color.
Kendra Pierre-Louis
From Ayotzinapa to Ferguson: Through an Eye Socket Darkly
The identified body of one of the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa, Mexico, and the police killings of Eric Garner and Michael Brown in the U.S. reveal deep similarities between the two countries' political classes.
Shannon Speed and Rosalva Aída Hernández