
The Numbers Show Covid Is a Mental Health Crisis
The U.S. mental health system was already in tatters. Then came the pandemic.
Hannah Faris
Pfizer Helped Create the Global Patent Rules. Now it's Using Them to Undercut Access to the Covid Vaccine.
The pharmaceutical company is opposing a proposal at the World Trade Organization to expand vaccine access to poor countries.
Sarah Lazare
Billionaires Want to Be the Gatekeepers of the Solar System
Space is the final (profitable) frontier—and it’s Elon Musk’s for the taking.
Eleanor Penny
The Electoral College Needs to Go. Here’s How States Can Bypass It.
Hillary Clinton and Al Gore both won the popular vote, but lost the election. It’s time for the people to choose who becomes president.
In These Times Editors
Activists Demand Rich Countries Suspend Patent Laws and Share Vaccines Freely
As rich countries hoard vaccine stocks, activists are calling for a just global distribution.
Hadas Thier
Biden’s Defense Secretary Pick Shows the Revolving Door for Military Contractors Remains
Industry ties were simply taken for granted in Biden’s defense secretary sweepstakes.
Sarah Lazare
After Sweeping Statewide Races, DSA Aims to Put a Socialist Caucus on New York’s City Council
Through democratic, grassroots-powered campaigns and an army of volunteers, socialists are flexing their muscle to bring a left-wing policy agenda to New York City.
Annie Levin
Congress Is Deadlocked on Covid Relief But Came Together to Fund the Pentagon for $740 Billion
There is always money for war.
Sarah Lazare
12 Reasons Why Sex Ed Reform Cannot Wait
Less than half of U.S. schools offer sex education that is medically accurate.
Ria Bhagwat
Biden's Foreign Policy Picks Are From the Hawkish National Security Blob. That Is a Bad Sign.
Biden's incoming team helped shape some of the most militaristic policies of the Obama administration.
Sarah Lazare
Dean Spade on How Mutual Aid Will Help Us Survive Disaster
We have to fundamentally reimagine community if we want to avoid “intensive, uneven suffering followed by species extinction.”
Clara Liang
What You Need to Know About BDS
The global, nonviolent movement for Palestinian freedom.
In These Times Editors
Joe Biden Owes His Victory to the Left, No Matter What the Democratic Party Says
Organizers, not consultants, delivered key states like Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia. Democrats ignore this reality at their peril.
Rebecca Chowdhury
Biden Must End the War He Helped Start
Yemenis call on the president-elect to stop the onslaught.
Shireen Al-Adeimi
My Grueling Search for Asylum From an Undeclared War
A member of the Honduran resistance movement tells his story.
José López
Biden’s First Priority: Undo the Damage Done by Trump
President Biden can make progressive appointments and executive actions—no matter who controls the Senate.
Rick Perlstein
With Biden in Power, Beware the Neoliberal Backlash
Grassroots organizers and Black voters led Biden to victory. Our concerns and demands must be taken seriously.
Barbara Ransby
One Third of Biden's Pentagon Transition Team Hails From Organizations Financed by the Weapons Industry
The president-elect is drawing from hawkish think tanks funded by arms companies.
Sarah Lazare
“Today Is About Defending Democracy”: People Take to the Streets to Stop Trump's Attempted Coup
Oakland protesters say now is an important time to defend the election—and resist Trump’s efforts to undermine the vote.
Brooke Anderson
FeatureRural America
How Right-Wing Groups Created an Atmosphere in which Kidnapping the Michigan Governor Made Sense
The alleged militia plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was only the most shocking episode in the campaign to undermine and politicize the state’s response to Covid-19.
Jacob Wheeler
DHS Is Using Immigration Crackdown to Suppress the Latino Vote, Critics Say
From expediting deportations to placing “wanted” billboard ads across Pennsylvania, rights advocates warn DHS is intimidating voters.
Maurizio Guerrero
How Bipartisan Anti-China Rhetoric Is Being Used to Increase U.S. Military Spending
Republicans and Democrats are using the “menace” of China to justify pouring billions into the Pentagon's budget.
Sarah Lazare
FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
The Supreme Court Said Their Sentencing Was Unconstitutional. But They’re Still Behind Bars.
Despite SCOTUS rulings against life without parole sentences for juveniles, most who received that sentence remain incarcerated.
Katie Rose Quandt
The Disenfranchised Voters No One Is Talking About: Residents of U.S. Colonies
Hundreds of thousands in Guam and across the U.S. territories will be unable to cast a ballot this November. It’s a stark reminder of America’s brutal colonial legacy.
Tiara R. Na'puti
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